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I pinched the bridge of my nose as I listened to Derek tell me about Jackson. Apparently the reason that he needed to go to the school yesterday was to check on Jackson. That's not what angered me the most no, what did anger me the most was the fact that Jackson's body is fighting the bite. Meaning he'll most likely die. I'd only ever heard of one other person who's body rejected the bite..... let me say it didn't end well.

The more Derek tells me the more I swear he has gotten more idiotic since he became the Alpha. I leaned back against the old rusted seat of the train that Derek has now called his home.

"So..... what you're telling me is that I was right?" I said to Derek with a raised brow. He rolled his eyes in the typical Derek way.

"No that's not what I'm saying Aria. What I'm saying is, I need your help. I screwed up with Jackson and if I don't fix it then his death is on me." Derek stated running a hand through his hair with frustration. I sighed and leaned forwards on my elbows and put my chin in my hand.

"Look Der. You and I both know that there's a possibility of the body rejecting the bite, mine almost did but thankfully your grandmother was there to help me. This kid.... he has no one from what I've seen. And no offense but this new power is kinda taking over your head. You can't say that you don't feel it because I know you do. I feel it too." I stated as I looked at the ground in thought. I could feel Derek's eyes on me as I continued.
"You can't just go around and change these kids lives, they may want it now but they're not going to think of the long term problems, sure it'll solve the ones they have now but it brings on a million different ones with it. We both know that. I don't want to upset you Derek but I feel like that's the only way you're going to understand me." I said calmly trying not to blow up on him for being so stupid. He was staring at me with so much raw emotion and it made my heart break a little. He puts on this tough exterior all the time and I just wish that sometimes he'd go back to the old Derek. And not just around me.

His expression quickly changed, as if he was going over everything I just said but something was off.... I looked at him in confusion and sat up straight.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a raised brow. He looked at me with furrowed brows.

"You said that you feel it too." He said slowly. I was taken aback for a moment. When the hell did I say that? I thought to myself as I thought over all that I had said. My heart dropped into my stomach once I realized that I actually had said that. My face burned as I'm sure it turned a million shades of red.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I mentally cursed to myself as I thought of what to say next. "I..... I... uhhhh.. what I meant was..." I stuttered as I thought over my words. But my mind was blank and anxiety was tearing away at my insides. What do I do? What do I say? Do I say everything I've been hiding from him? These thought ran through my mind as I bounced my leg repeatedly and bit my nails.

"Aria..... is there something you're not telling me?" Derek asked as he leaned closer to me. I looked up at him for a second then back down at my feet. I shook my head lightly as I continued to bite my nail. He gently put his hand on my leg causing it to stop bouncing immediately. I slowly looked up at him, his eyes once again baring so much emotion all I wanted to do was pour it all out to him..... but I couldn't. I opened my mouth to come up with some sort of lie. Stilinski's are normally good with coming up with shit on the spot.

I got cut off by loud footsteps coming down the metal staircase that lead to the train. Derek and I immediately stood up, putting that conversation to the side, thank god. Derek flashed his dark fiery eyes causing me to roll mine. Issac appeared in front of us out of breath and severely shaken up.

"What's wrong?" Derek asked in a monotone voice. My heart lurched for the poor kid in front of us, he looked like a wreck.

"It's my dad.... I think he's dead." Issac said breathy and shaken. Me and Derek looked at each other, I closed my eyes and shook my head. I knew this was only the beginning of something bigger.

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