The People We Love

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The dark quietness of the night calmed me as I sat on the front steps of my old house waiting for my brother. Moths danced in flurries around the porch light, reminding me of a mini blizzard. The cool air lightly kissed my skin making me wish I'd worn a sweater. After the lovely rave last night Derek and I had stayed with Scott until he woke up, and we tried to figure out what to do next but we were all dead tired and running out of ideas. My mind has been so lost, all I can think about is the Alpha eyes. I'm still seeing them no matter where I look, I've been avoiding mirrors as much as possible.

The front door closing behind me shook me out of my thoughts, I looked behind myself and seen my brother sullenly walking towards me. My heart broke a little at seeing how upset he was and not knowing the cause of it. He called me in the middle of the night and asked me to come over as fast as I could. He said he needed someone to talk to.

"Hey, what's with the sour face?" I asked half jokingly. Trying to make him feel better. he sighed and plopped down next to me with a huff. I put my arm over him and gave him a side hug which he gladly accepted.

"Dad got laid off because of me." He said so quietly. I could hear the cracks in his voice with every word. I furrowed my brows realizing what he had said.

"What do you mean? How could you of caused it?" I asked.  I always thought we'd been doing our father a favor because he has no idea about the supernatural world and we were always there to solve them so he wouldn't get involved. Or more importantly get hurt.

"Last night before the 'rave' dad came home from work without his badge." Stiles began as he anxiously played with his fingers. "I asked him about it, obviously, he said they laid him off because the sheriffs son is interfering with cases and evidence." I could tell he wanted to cry but he was trying his hardest to keep it in. My heart fell into a pit in my stomach and I pulled him in for a real hug, I wish they didn't have to be a part of this damn supernatural world.

I lightly pulled away and sighed. "Stiles" I began quietly. "It's not your fault dad got laid off, it's Peters fault for biting Scott and essentially starting all of this supernatural drama. Hell, some of it is Derek's fault as well. The reason we're fighting a Kanima right now is because he bit Jackson and it went horribly horribly wrong. But none of this is because of you, yes dad may not know about this supernatural world and it's better if he doesn't, but the things we do for the people we love may seem insane to others and maybe even upsetting or wrong but we know what's best for them because of that love we have for them. And dad doesn't know it yet, but you're protecting him from getting sucked into a world of pain and misery I know we both don't want him in." Stiles stared down at the ground in thought.

I looked up at the stars wishing everything was normal. The beautiful songs of crickets filled the air making me feel comforted in this shitty world.

"Is that why you're helping Derek?" Stiles asked looking over at me. I furrowed my brows in confusion at what he meant.

"What do you mean?" I asked leaning my palms on the porch behind me.

"You said the things we do for the people we love might seem insane. Is that why you're helping Derek? To protect the people you love?" Stiles explained.

My heart began to beat faster. "There are many reasons why I help and hang around Derek, some are easy to explain, like how we've been friends for years and we'd do anything for each other, and yes to make sure nothing happens to you guys especially if it has anything to do with him. And other reasons are not so easy to explain." I said looking down at my knees. Anxiety was crawling up my spine like a spider trying to catch its prey. I don't know why I always get anxious when someone asks about mine and Derek's relationship, we are together, it's not like we're secretly in love from a far and we're too shy to mention it. Maybe I just want to keep something in my life quiet and normal.

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