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The door of my hotel room slammed shut as I flopped myself down onto the bed face first. Anger and sadness bombarded my mind as I pushed my face further into the pillow. This was all becoming too much to handle. I felt so alone, more alone than I ever had. I didn't have anyone to talk to about it. I didn't have Derek.

Hot tears flowed out of my eyes causing the pillow underneath me to become damp. I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling unblinkingly, all the thoughts of what just happened ran through my head as more tears flowed down my face.

I wanted to hate Derek. I wanted to march myself over to that stupid train station and kick his ass for being a total jackass. But.... I couldn't. Deep down inside I couldn't do it. Whatever is happening between us is becoming too much for me to handle. And I feel that sometime soon I'll explode if it don't say anything.

I'm so tired of feeling angry and upset at someone whose supposed to be there for me no matter what. We've always been there for each other, through everything and now he's just willing to throw that away for power. What do I do? Do I put all of this aside and stick by him because he's my best friend? Or do I find a different pack to run with? I'm sure Scott wouldn't mind me joining his, at least I hoped he didn't.

I sniffled as I sat up on the edge of the bed, my feet barely touching the floor. The dim light of the lamp making everything have a yellow glow to it. I sighed as my feet hit the carpeted floor, I slowly made my way towards the bathroom I flicked the light on as I leaned against the cool countertop. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I needed to calm down before things got out of control.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my reflection. From an outsiders perspective I'm sure I looked completely normal, maybe a little tried, but normal. But from my perspective I saw a broken girl, sullen eyes and always a frown on her face. Long dark brown hair that covered her face from the world.

God I'm turning into Derek. I shivered at the thought as I continued to look in the mirror. I squinted as I leaned closer. Something was wrong with my eyes. I flashed my yellow eyes making sure nothing was wrong with my werewolf side. I jumped back, my back hitting the wall with brute force. My breathing was heavy as my body lightly shook. I could've sworn I seen red flash over my yellow eyes. I took a deep breath, telling myself I was imagining things. I shook my head and looked back into the mirror flashing my yellow eyes once again.

But this time they were red.

My jaw dropped and my body was shaking once again. I quickly changed my eyes back to normal and ran out of the bathroom. I sat on the bed, my body shaking with every breath I took. What the fuck is happening?! That should not be possible! Last time I checked I wasn't an Alpha.

My phone rang from the nightstand causing me to jump and fall off the bed. I groaned as I stood up and walked over to the nightstand, I ignored the call not bothering to see who it was. I didn't feel like talking right now.

I put my head in my hands, my hair shielding me from everything around me. I wanted to run, escape from everything that's happening. Do what I always do and run. But things were different now. I couldn't just up and leave, I came back into my family lives, I couldn't leave them again. It'd crush me and them. And I can't go through that again.

My phone inevitably rang again rudely brining me out of my thoughts. I growled as I picked it up and seen the caller ID. I relaxed a bit once I seen who it was.

"What?" I said as I answered.

"That's how you answer the phone?" My brother said sarcastically.

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