Fairy Dust

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The bright white light surrounding me burned into my retinas as I stared all around me. Sweat poured down my body as the whispering grew louder with every passing moment. My name felt as if it was being chanted over and over by various voices.

I was terrified. I was cold yet burning hot, I felt nothing and yet everything. The voices sounded so familiar and yet so foreign. I wanted and needed to get out of here but I had no idea how.



I frantically looked around trying to find the owner of the voice. It sounded so familiar but I couldn't put a finger on it.

"........Ariaaa.... wake up....."

"Aria...... can you hear me?"

I wanted to answer but I couldn't move any part of my body.

All of a sudden the voices got quiet but were replaced with the loudest ringing I'd ever heard in my life. My brain felt like it was melting and my eardrums felt as if they were gonna explode, I screamed as my hands flew up and tried to shield my ears from the noise.

My eyes flew open and I gasped for breath. My breathing was heavy as I looked at my surroundings, I was still at Derek's.

"It's okay Aria." A voice said. I looked to my left and seen Derek crouched next to me. My body relaxed at the sight of him.

"Oh thank god." I said breathlessly. I tried to sit up but was immediately met with failure, my body fell straight back to where it was. Derek held out his hand which I gladly accepted. I stood up on shaky legs, my body fell backwards once again but was met with Derek's arm instead of the cold hard ground.

"Take it easy. We're gonna be weak for a while, you can thank Peter for that." Derek said sarcastically. I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Peter? What the hell does he have to do with any of this? I thought Lydia was the one who blew the fairy dust in our faces." I said brushing off the dust from my cheeks. He wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me sit on the seat of the old train.

"She was." He began as he sat down next to me. "She dragged me to my old house and did this ritual thing that ended up bringing Peter back to life. So along with the Kanima running around we now have Peter to worry about again." He said running his hand through his hair.

I shook my head and looked down in thought. Everything just keeps getting better and better around here.

"Look, we don't have much time to dwell on it. We need to go to the sheriffs station as fast as possible. Your father, brother and Scott are there. Along with Jackson and the person who's controlling him." Derek said. My eyes widened, can't there be a single moment where we don't have to run into the arms of death. But for the safety of my family, I have to.

I nodded my head and stood up. My legs still a little shaky but I brushed it off. I looked down at Derek and held my hand out for him to take which he gladly accepted.

"Let's go fight for our lives.... again."

He chuckled a little as we exited the train.

The tires of Derek's car squealed as we pulled into the parking lot of the Sheriff's station. We both quickly got out of the car and ran towards the front door. Derek quickly stopped in his tracks and grabbed my hand stopping me as well. I looked over at him in confusion, he pointed to the roof, I followed his hand and seen the Kanima on top of the building staring back at us. It hissed and screamed as it jumped off the building and disappeared.

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