Hope is a Dangerous Thing for a Woman Like Me

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I woke up with a gasp as I sat up and looked at my surroundings, a layer of sweat covering my body like a thin sheet on a hot summer day. I calmed down a little when I realized I was back in my hotel room. My breathing was still heavy as I looked around the room, all the lights were turned off except for the T.V. I reached over towards my nightstand and searched for the remote groaning as I lifted my arm and pointed the remote towards the television, shutting off anymore light from entering the room.

I closed my eyes again, taking a deep breath and wondering to myself why I was dreaming about that horrendous day again.

I sighed as I slowly got up and turned the lamp on. Laying my legs off the edge of the bed I looked around the room making sure I was the only one here. I sighed again as I got up off the bed and slowly made my way towards the bathroom. Flicking on the light I grimaced as I looked into the mirror. My skin was still sickly pale and my wound was almost fully healed, but with it being so close to my heart, it's gonna take a little bit longer. Healing has always taken a little bit longer for me.

I sighed as I leaned against the cool countertop. 'How the hell did I get back here?' I thought to myself, all I remember is Derek killing peter and becoming the alpha. After that..... it's just nothing. I shook my head as I turned off the light and went back into the 'living room' which just consisted of my bed, a chair, and a T.V. I sat on the edge of the bed and put my head in my hands and thought through everything.

All the things that Derek kept from me, all the things I've been keeping from him. All that guilt he kept from me....... because he didn't want to lose me...... these thoughts plagued my mind as I laid back down onto the bed with a sigh.

I was about to fall back into beautiful slumber when my phone vibrated from the nightstand causing me to jump and fall off the bed. I cursed myself for being the most ungraceful person on this planet. I groaned as I lifted myself up and grabbed the phone seeing that it was Derek calling me. I sent him to voicemail, not feeling in the mood to talk to anyone at the moment.

I laid back on the bed, wishing for sleep to overcome me, but alas it was interrupted one last time. This time by a scream.

I shot up out of bed and looked around the room in question. I had never heard anything like that before. What the Hell's stirring in Beacon Hills? The echo of the scream bounced off the walls, preventing me from getting any sleep. I sighed and put my hands in my hair deciding that maybe a shower would help.

The hot water cascaded down my body, calming the nerves that were erratic throughout every fiber in my body. What makes everything a little bit more confusing is that I'm feeling this surge of power coursing through my veins that I haven't ever felt before. And it makes me wonder if it has anything more to do with how things have been around Derek lately..... the electricity in the air..... feeling the same pain as him...... it's all become too much for me to handle.

Taking a deep breath I exited the shower and pushed those thoughts deep down, ignoring them like I do with every other problem I have.

A soap scented cloud followed me as I exited the bathroom. I froze in my steps as I heard someone at my door, Mentally cursing myself for not checking to see if the door was locked.

The further I listened I realized there was only one heartbeat. I could easily take down one person if needed. I readied myself as the person walked through the door, my hands curled into fists as I walked over to the guy who had their back turned. As I was just about to knock them out cold the man turned around and grabbed my arm faster than I could respond. I growled as I grabbed the mans hand and tried to pull it off of me but his grip was harder than mine.

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