where i've been

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hello friends,

i feel like i owe all of my readers an apology for my lack of updates. lately, i've been to depressed to get out of bed before 1 or 2pm and that's to go to the bathroom and eat (mainly because my friends force me to eat something) and then i go right back to my bed.

i don't know how many of you know this, but i have quite a toxic home life. i have been disowned once by my dad, and then after we resolved our issue then, our relationship has been super rocky. i was almost disowned again this past week.

i have started having 2-3 panic attacks a day and it's so fucking hard for me to do the bare minimums like going to the bathroom, eating, washing my face, taking my meds, etc.

i have just started gaining motivation to write again but it'll take me some time to update because of how little i can write at a time. i have also started working so a lot of my energy is drained from talking to people for 6-9 1/2 hours, depending on how long my shift is. plus, school has started for me again.

i'm really sorry to all of my readers because i know how much you guys love carrie and her story. i love her so much but right now it's hard for me to write anything. i hope you guys can forgive me

love, tee xx

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