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     THE BELL RANG AT THE middle school, and the students were quick to pack up their bags. All except for Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Carrie. The four 'losers' were waiting for the end of class to talk to their favorite teacher, Mr. Clarke.

"Remember, finish chapter twelve and answer twelve-point-three on the difference between an experiment and other forms of science investigation," he announced over the loud ruckus of children. "This will be on the test, which will cover chapters ten through twelve. It will be multiple choice with an essay section."

Mr. Clarke had trailed off during his last sentence seeing as most of his kids were already gone. He looked away from the door and saw Carrie, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin standing in front of him with eager faces.

"So, did it come?" Mike asked with an excited tone. All four of them were grinning at their teacher. Mr. Clarke frowned at their excitement.

"Sorry, kids," he started in false sadness. The smiles slipped off of their faces. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news... but it came." The four of them all rushed towards the AV club, shoving each other to get there first.

"Yes!" Mike exclaimed as he pushed through and sat down in the chair. The other three stared at the device in amazement and joy.

"The Heathkit ham shack," Mr. Clarke announced, grinning at the kids' expressions. He was happy that there were a few kids that were actually interested in things like this. "Ain't she a beaut?"

"I bet you can talk to New York on this thing," Carrie grinned while she started playing with the knobs. Mike let out a chuckle as he glanced up at her, his smile growing larger at her excitement for what others would call 'nerdy technology'.

"Think bigger," said Mr. Clarke who used his hands to gesture the word 'bigger'.

"California?" Lucas guessed, turning around to look at his teacher.


"Australia?" gasped Mike with wide eyes, turning his attention from the redheard to his teacher. Mr. Clarke nodded, earning excited remarks from the quartet.

"Oh, man! When Will sees this, he's totally gonna blow his shit," exclaimed the Sinclair boy.

"Lucas!" Mr. Clarke scolded, earning an apology from the younger boy. Dustin and Carrie chuckled as Mr. Clarke let a smile slip. Mike put on the headphones as Lucas turned the Heathkit on.

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