𝐢𝐢. First beta. Better yet, first hybrid.

483 9 4

❝This sounds illegal. I'm in.❞


Dropping down into her seat with her legs crossed underneath her weight and her elbows leaning against them, Camille huffed, the small strand that had fallen into her face flying with the air guided toward it.

As she quietly watched a witch mutter a few feet away from her, the teen girl rolled her neck and pulled the small bag containing her clothes into her lap before she, -once again, leaned onto it.

Small whispers filling their ears, both Hope and her turned to the boy talking to another away from them, the eldest's gaze following his every movement as if mesmerized by it, and he caught her wandering stare, she instantly blank away, an amused smile stretching into vis lips as he shouted his own school bag higher onto his shoulder.

"Later, dude", he exused himself and marched toward the two with a curious gaze, "You going somewhere?", he wondered leaning against the wood made wall next to him as Hope stumbled over her words, "Home", her twin stated with an eyeroll, the boy's presence annoying her to no end.

The blonde smiled up at him, almost proud of her next sentence, "We, uh, we got suspended", she chuckled, Roman raising an impressed brow, "Hope Marshall and Miracle McCall got suspended?", he nodded, lips pursing as he squinted down at them, "Cool".

Figure retrieving away from the two, the boy smiled to himself before disappearing into the halls, Ira instantly turning to her twin, "Stay away from him, he reeks of death", she instructed, a small growl rumbling put of her throat as an awkward followed by a thump caught her attention.

Henry looked down in guilt, "Sorry I got you two in trouble", he winced, tone apologetic and shameful as Hope scoffed, her glare settling on him, "I said be discreet", she reminded him in a harsh whisper, "What part of jumping put of a tower is discreet?", she snapped, the boy frowning up at her, "I had to make sure it would work, if I only hurt myself then I would've just healed".

Hope scoffed, "Right", she nodded sarcastically, " 'Cause no one has ever died because of an overdose or a rope around their neck", her twin let out, the wolf rolling his eyes, "I'm not a person things go right for. Have you ever seen a werewolf with no pecks and who quotes E. E. Cummings?", he quizzed with a shake of his head, Cami gasping in offense.

"Are you insulting me?", she blank in surprise the boy's eyes growing wide as hurried to apologize, the redhead only chuckling dismissively, "But I can tell that I'm getting stronger", he cheered, a smile creeping onto his face, "You know how good it will ve not to have to take crap from anybody?", he grinned.

The twins frowned, "What makes you think that?", the eldest quizzed as she looked at him in disbelief, "Yes, you're a hybrid, but that doesn't mean you can protect yourself", the youngest joined in, "They will despise you for being different, people hate different", she stated matter-of-factly, Henry only scoffing in return.

"You two wouldn't understand".

Hope gaped at him, "Oh, really?", she questioned, "Us?", she pointed at herself and Ira, "We, -the tribrid and quadbrid, the only ones of our kind, wouldn't understand?", the latter scoffed, the wolf shuffling away from them, "That's different", he whispered, "None of the students know you two are Klaus Mikaelson's daughters", he mumbled, Ira groaning loudly.

"Yeah, but they know that I'm different and the only reason that they play nice with me is because I'm friend with the twins", she spoke in exasperation, "Mainly Jo, but whatever".

The blonde rolled her eyes and starred forward, "I don't even know wht Lisina told you about that", she noted, "You and I aren't even friends", she added, Henry shrugging before leaning against his chair, "Your mom's our alpha and your sister, our second in command", he reminded her, Cami sighing at the nickname she was entitled, "All the crescent wolves know", he retorted.

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