𝐱𝐢𝐢. Cigarettes, Strawberry Body Wash, and Art.

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❝I just wanna be somebody to someone.❞


A week passed, seemingly normal in Camille's odd, supernatural, and drama-filled teenage lives, that if we exclude the many witches being held captive in the abattoir's dungeon, the constant worrying state her family seemed to be in, and the sudden road trip she was dragged into.

Lips wrapping around the small white stick held between her fingers, the quadbrid sucked the strong smoke onto her lingers before her head unconsciously turned to look at the small watch ok her hand, her eyes rolling as she noticed the time.

Pushing herself up and into the bathroom her shared dorm was equipped with after having cleaned the leftover smoke and opened the large window, the teen girl quickly slid into the shower and took a quick bath to rid herself from the smell, wincing every time the rough course of the water made contact with her skin, -which was every single moment.

Catching sight of her features onto the placed onto the wall, Ira tilted her head sideways as she only then noticed how tired she looked, the veins on her skin, the purple blotches under her eyes, and her sleepy eyes, and she groaned.

As her forehead made contact with the cold tile, the teen girl turned to the black trails, the tip of her fingers faintly tracing over them before she just stopped and closed her eyes for a second trying to keep her attention as far away from the voices drowning her.

A few moments later, her hurried footsteps padded on the concrete as she rushed to go to her classes, one that she wasn't even obliged to attend.

She was late, once again, despite being awake since four in the morning and she huffed slightly, keeping a hand on her chest as she tried to stop wheezing, leaning against the door of her classroom just as the bell rang, -her enhanced abilities seemed to be at their lowest.

Dumping her bag on the desk in the far end, Miracle sighed in relief as she realized that she was there before the professor, that was all that mattered.

She drowned out the professor's rambling, leaning her cheeks against her open palm which was an effort to keep her eyes open, her grainy eyelids already closing, paired with her professor's ancient voice that was practically a lullaby.

Her catnap was interrupted tho by a fit of giggles. Not by her, mind you, but by the girl sitting next to her.

The brunette, as they both knew, was very giggly. Normally annoyed by giggly girls, the redhead found herself intrigued by the sound when it came from her.

Josie was shy, reserved, and usually lost in her doodles and pens when it came to classes where her girlfriend wasn't around.

"What's hitting the roof, giggles?", Camille asked horsly, smiling slightly as the younger teen hid behind her hair.

"What's that supposed to mean?", she whispered, looking up briefly before looking back down. The swirl of her hands as they drew was nearly hypnotizing, Ira's head tingling with every movement of Jo's hand.

"Nothing", she replied, going back to the professor, who was roaming around the class with his hands clasped behind his back.

"Did you smoke before you came to class?", Josie asked, a little louder this time, grimacing with her shoulders reaching up when someone shushed her for being loud in class.

The redhead blank in shock, "How do you know that?!", she asked in disbelief, her voice more hushed than her friend's, "I bathed today! even used that ridiculous strawberry body wash you love".

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