𝐱. Once upon a time.

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❝I wish I could just protect you from everything.❞


Legs dangling from the side of the fancy chair she was sat on, Camille's eyes traveled around the many people dancing around as she brought the cup of champagne toward her lips, the faint sweet taste of apple passing through her throat while the bubbles floating over it went up to her head.

Her back was leaning against one side of the seat while her lower part hung from the other end, and while she was dizzily trying to figure out how one cup and a half of the rather expensive liquid had her buzzed in less than ten minutes, Elijah leaned against the wall by her side, a small smile stretching onto his lips as he heard the nonsense she was mumbling.

"Who would've thought that Niklaus would let his daughters get drunk", he commented with a chuckle, the redhead turning to him with a scoff, "I'm not drunk, I'm just-", she spoke, her brows furrowing as she giggled to herself, "I'm just buzzed", she let out, her head tipping backward.

The man nodded with an entertained smile, his niece pouting slightly, "if I was just buzzed, I wouldn't be talking to you", she muttered in realization, her lips pursing together as she nodded, "Yeah, I think I'm drunk", she laughed out, Elijah instantly reaching for the glass in her hand and watched her arms stretch upward as she tried to take it back.

"That's mine", she whined, her attention drifting toward the many worried 'whoa's of her family, and only then did she notice her twin's slumped figure leaning against Keelin's, their drunken laughter filling the air as Camille joined in.

Hope rose her thumb up and giggled mindlessly, "I'm fine", she let out, her words repeating themselves as her father stepped toward her, the dark-skinned wolf nodding along, "Yeah. My medical diagnosis is too much champagne", she slurred, the blonde grinning ar her thankfully.

"Speaking of", she smiled, "I would like to make a toast", she announced, her cheerful expression urging them to raise their glasses, the redhead taking her own and stepping next to her.

Hope giggled, her form swaying unsteadily until she was propped against Keelin, "This has been the best day ever", she let out with a cheerful grin, "And you know what?", she shrugged, "You guys got a thousand years of moments like this one. And being a part of this one really made me feel like I'm part of 'always and forever', too".

Miracle nodded, her glass floating up to clack with the others', yet before any of them could meet, she spoke, "And I would like to make a toast too", she blurted, her arms retracting in a hurry.

"I, for a fact, haven't grown up with the terms of 'always and forever', but, the fact that I had a family, -and a pack, for that matter, on my side of the world, made me realize just how important that bond is, because to me for example, I see it as a promise of, uh-", she trailed off, a small frown settling in her forehead before she burst out into laughter.

The pained expression of her family members did go unnoticed, and for that, once her words were found, she continued her speech, "A promise of being there for each other no matter how messed your lives are, and that's something I aspire to have", she exhaled, "So, I'd like to officialize my own 'always and forever' with Hope.

"For eternity and beyond", she hummed, her sister grinning at her as they both rose their cups, "So, cheers".


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