𝐱𝐯𝐢. Harry Styles would never run me over.

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❝I over-analyze situations because I'mw scared of what will happen if I'm not prepared for it.❞


Head dropping onto the cold marble wall behind her as she slipped into the floor, the teen girl's eyes trailed around the white room she was stuck in, the metal chains capturing her wrists jingling as she moved her arm around.

"Don't be so sad, little wolf", a cheery voice bounced around her and she lazily turned her head toward the man sitting by her side with a small smile, "Casper", she greeted quietly, the blond ghost grinning at her before he looked around.

As one of the shifting werewolves in an other cell howled, Henrik visibly tensed, his head snapping on every side as he backed onto the wall behind.

Noticing the sudden change in his demeanor and aura, Ira placed a reassuring hand over his thigh, "They can't get to you", she assured him, her tone quite and slightly firm, "You can go if you want to", she added after a few moments of silence and Henrik instantly shook his head.

"No, it's okay, I'm just not used to them yet", he brushed her off, his uneasy gaze travelling around the space he, and the wolf, was locked in and Cami shrugged from his side, "I mean, you technically are dead because of werewolves, you can't just get used to them".

The blonde nodded with a small chuckle, his attention settling on the redhead sniffling the air with a confused look, her face scrunched and her eyes squinted at the smell which she only now realised its disappearance.

"Where's Hope?", she let out, her form standing up before she was tugged to the ground by the short chains, "Where's my sister", she repeated in agitation, her now glowing eyes flickering around the room with urgency.

Growling under her breath as her anger mixed with the full moon's power, Ira groaned, her eyes closing tightly as her head tipped down and Henrik slowly backed away.

The quadbrid, noticing his action, looked up, "Go", she let out, her chest heaving as her claws dug onto her palms yet the man did not stir, "Henrik, go!", she yelled out with a slightly different tone, "You stink of fear and it's really disturbing".

As the ghost disappeared from her sight, the wolf panted with closed eyes, her arms tugging at the metallic chain binding them down just as the door to her cell was thrown open.

Looking up in confusion and worry, the teen girl was met with her father's worried features, his hand instantly tugging at her chains, "Dad, what are you-", she started, the man interrupting her world, "We don't have time", he stated and she frowned.

"Don't have time for what?", she let out, "And where's Hope?", she added in a rush, her figure being dragged by the hybrid in front of her.

Said man mumbled under his breath, "She already shifted".

The redhead blank got a moment, her lips parting to speak and shutting almost instantly before she looked around her, the woods having came up to view, "Why are we here?", she wondered after a moment as a small branch crunched her deet, the chirping of insects being the only sound replacing it after the silence came over.

"Look, your mother was always against the idea of shifting inside with chains and locks", Klaus spoke as he came to a stop, "We shouldn't do this inside", he stated, his finger digging onto his pocket before he pulled a weird looking bottle and handed it to his daughter.

"Here. Drink this", he commanded, the girl frowning at the liquid before she brought it to her lips, the weird mixture burning her tongue and she coughed just as she retracted it away, "What the hell was that?!", she exlaimed with a grossed out look.

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