𝐢𝐱. Is this the lead to a happy ever after?

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[the outfits are for later in the story]


❝If you see me happy please leave me alone, I deserve this shit .❞


Sinking down onto the dusty floor of the cemetery, Miracle stretched her legs down, the sun shining bright above her making her skin look a shade darker.

Eyes looking up to notice the guilty tears dragging down her sister's cheeks, she sighed, her form bending slightly so that she could reach for her hand while still being sat on the ground.

"I'm sorry", the redhead murmured, "If I hadn't asked for you to do it with me, none of this would of happened", she stated, her fingers quietly moving both of their arms in the air as Hope shook her head, "It's not, this was supposed to happen anyways, I just wasn't expecting it".

Camille sighed, her face leaning onto her now bent knees and she extracted her hand before placing it over her neck, the position slightly awkward but she was okay with it.

At the sound of crunching, she frowned and looked at the man who walked up to them, "You didn't have to come", Hope spoke as she quickly wiped her tears and turned to him, "I wanted to make sure you were all right", Klaus emitted, his daughter only blinking at him in silence before the oldest scoffed.

"I don't know why we leave flowers", she said with almost anger, "Doesn't do them any good. It's not much of an apology for killing someone either", she stated, her father sighing to himself, "Unintentionally", he reminded her, "You two rid the city of those vermin. Neither of you have anything to apologize for".

Hope rolled her eyes, "Don't make it sound so noble. Yeah, yeah, we killed a few bad guys, but it was as much to get the magic and the anger out of us as anything else", she huffed, arm falling by her side before she turned back to replacing the flowers over the memorial table.

"Besides, it's not like it lasted more than a few hours", the blonde let out, the source of the talk looking away to avoid any sort of the contact with her father, the worry and guilt having instantly took place into his features.

The tribrid looked down, her steady breathing being the only sound coming from her before she spoke, "Well, at least he gets his revenge next week when the full moon comes".

Camille chuckled breathlessly, "I mean, at least you know what's going to happen and have people by your side", she mumbled with a small smile before her father sighed, his attention once again turning to scared newbie.

"Hope, however much you dread your first transformation, once you go through it, you're gonna feel better", he stated, his daughter shaking her head as she turned back to him, "I don't know if I dread it or if I wish that I could just turn and never turn back", she let out, voice filled with pain.

"Mom said that, after the pain, it's one of the bestfeelings in the world", she recalled, the wolves smiling softly at the memories of their night in the woods, the youngest alpha's head leaning back against the Bill's family's grave, a tradition that seemed to be famous in New Orleans, -burying an entire bloodline in one large grave.

Hope sighed, her eyes falling to the ground beneath her feet, "I just can't believe I have to do this without her", she murmured, her twin standing to her feet before she was looking around her, her gaze falling onto her father, "I know no one can replace your mom", he spoke sadly, "But I do want to help".

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