𝐢𝐢𝐢. The queen who death favors.

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❝This wouldn't just fail. It would chatter explosively. But we're still doing it, aren't we?❞


Marching around the abattoir's hall with the ghost by her side, Cami yawned, the back of her palm lazily flying to her mouth in an attempt to hide the tired action and the grin following after it.

Smile stretching into his features, Henry looked down at his niece before turning to stare at the many walls surrounding, the short girl only frowning in return, "What?", she spoke, head tilting upwards to look at the wizard by her side.

"Nothing", he shrugged dismissively, his attention settling forward as his posture stiffened, "What?", Miracle repeated, her eyes squinting and her nose scrunching ever so slightly before she, by her turn, blank at the space around her.

Frowning at the unfamiliar scent she had managed to catch, the girl turned around, her feet stumbling together as she walked toward the unknown smell and into her twin's room where a blond boy stood in almost disbelief to being caught.

"Who are you?", the redhead quizzed with a low growl.

Gaze instantly drifting between the two freshmen, the vampire's jaw dropped open as he blank at the youngest, "Umm, Roman?", he let out in concern that had Camille glare at him, "Why do you stink of death?", she interrogated as she stepped toward him.

The blond shrugged, "How am I supposed to know?", he muttered, head tipping to the side, "And how do you know where we live?", Iracle quizzed matter-of-factly as Roman shrugged, "Saltzman's files", he stated.

"Um, look", the vampire mumbled, his form turning to the tribrid standing only few feet away from him, "People are saying all this stuff about Henry at school, that he died, and that he killed himself", he frowned, tone indicating his clear bewilderment, "You know, your friends bullied him all the time. He went through hell", Hope scoffed, her form moving across her room as she placed the teddy bear hidden behind her back inside the drawer.

Roman sighed, his head dropping down with shame, "I know, okay?", he insisted, eyes squinting slightly, "That's why I'm here, I should pay my respects or something", he mumbled in a way that had Ira take it for mockery and she glared at him, "I let them push him around. Make fun of his poetry, his clothes. And now, I", the blond trailed off before shaking his head in frustration.

"I can't sleep".

Camille rolled her eyes, "Henry's not dead", she let out, eyes travelling around the large room until they fell upon the dying plant standing away from them, "He's fine", her twin sister in a hurry as she, too, noticed the brown flower dropping onto its pot in pieces, "Look, I have to get dressed, I have somewhere to be. Could you, like, turn?", she quizzed urgently, the boy raising a thin eyebrow.

"Oh, yeah?", he nodded with a squint of his eyes, "Yeah", Hope mimicked as she reached for the jeans and shirt thrown in a ball on top of her dresser, "Where are you going, it's barely dawn", Roman noted, "It's a long story", the twins chorused in annoyance.

"Lizzie Saltzman said she saw Henry jump from the turret. A werewolf wouldn't survive that kind of fall", the blond vampire pressed, Cami scoffing in return as her ghost uncle rolled his eyes, "That's an even longer story", she stated, Hope nodding along, "Lizzie also said that I exploded an orphanage with my brain when I was eight", Hope added, before fully standing straighter, "You can, uh, look now".

Roman smiled nervously, "Yeah, I, uh, I heard that one. I also heard that you are a long-lost Romanian princess and that you, Ira, are a cursed child from Beacon Hills", he stated, "So, what's your secret?", he wondered, the twins sighing as the youngest's senses picked at the distant talk in Rousseau's bar.

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