𝐯𝐢. Witchcraft in the house of sinners.

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❝Nothing great was ever accomplished without sacrifices.❞


Head leaning against Josie's headboard, Ira looked down at the small notebook she was scribbling into, her right hand subconsciously massaging at the brunette's head in a way that had her melt on her lap.

Dearest whoever's reading this, the quadbrid transcripted onto the paper, her steady breathing drowning her thoughts for a second, I really don't know what I should be writing, she scoffed audibly, well, my mom is dead and I, for some reasons, feel completely numb.

The pack called a few hours back and I will be heading back to New Orleans for her funeral in a few hours, she closed her eyes and sighed, the terrible headache spreading through her brain signaling her twin's awakening and the lights breaking over her head telling her that she found out about the new, Josette accidently jumping upward from the sudden sound.

Well, Hope just woke up and judging by the supernatural chaos happening around our dorm, she's crying, Cami pointed out, her pen lingering over the page for a second, I guess we're both equally broken but who's to blame, our mother just died while her ex, who apparently is our uncle, watched her without reaction.

This type of incidents seems to be following us, mainly me, wherever we went. I would of blamed it on the fact that we're Mikaelsons but we're both cursed in real life so it doesn't really come as a shocker, she scoffed, the younger siphoner turning in the bed until she was looking at her.

"Do you wanna be spooned?", she emitted in a quiet voice, Camille nodding weakly with a small smile as she placed the notepad on the bedside table and moved around the bed, Josie slowly raising her head from her lap and moving behind her.

Arms carefully wrapping themselves around her waist, Ira grew stiff at the sudden contact, her shoulders hardly dropping until she was curled up in a small ball, the brunette's steady caresses barely reassuring her grieving and mourning heart.


Eyes racking down her form as she looked at the black dress she was clad in, the quadbrid rubbed her face for a second, her fingers slipping into her hair and she tugged at the roots, internally cringing as she noticed the crescent marked onto her shoulder with the thin straps that held the fabric up.

"Hey", a soft voice spoke, the teen girl turning to its with a scowl before she blank in chock, a content smile pulling at her lips and she wrapped her arms around the person's figure, "Lexie", she breathed, said girl rubbing at her wolf's back comfortingly, "I'm here now, it's okay", she stated noticing the now crying redhead in her arms.

Slowly parting away from each other, the emissary bent her knees to reach her friend's height, her hands instantly pulling the sophomore's head toward her, their eyes connecting by the second, "Hey, it's going to be okay", Lexa smiled, "Everything's going to be alright, maybe not today, not tomorrow, or not even after it", she shrugged, her head nodding firmly.

"But it's going to be okay" .

Miracle nodded before she sat onto her bed, the mattress dripping down as her friend joined her side, "We're planning to do something", she informed, Lexie frowning at her words, "What kind of thing?", she quizzed skeptically, her brows furrowing deeply, "I'm gonna take the hollow in me, Hope doesn't know, and it's gonna stay that way".

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