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Your P.O.V.
Running, running from people who want to kill us for our differences my friends and me never did anything wrong but i should explain so let me rewind before all of this

I woke up in bed still tired and i dont wanna get up but i dont have to because its the weekend and you know what that means, no school im going to sleep in
Dad: "Y/n, get up your friends are here  they are waiting for you"
Didnt i text them saying i was going for the sleeping world record eh too late for that now i get up and get ready
You: "okay i'll be right there"

Frisk's P.O.V. ten minutes ago
I wake up in my bed? Shouldnt i be waking up in the flowers i look next to me and chara is still alive i have so many questions, if chara is still alive that means Y/n is nearby
I look around and find my phone and i see Y/n's number and i call i hope he remembers
Dammit why does he always put it on silent and then chara wakes up
Chara: "are we in my village, where is Y/n what happened i cant remember"
Frisk: "we had to reset the code was infected and now we are here the timeline must be a anomoly just like Y/n but he still exists i dont know what else is different"
Chara: "we should atleast see if Y/n remembers right"
Frisk: "definitly"
We get ready and we find Y/n's adress on chara's phone and we go look for him i hope he remembers

Sans's P.O.V.
What happened what is the last thing i remember wait the kids did a reset because the code was infected no thats bullsh*t he did that to get revenge on us to ruin our happy ending
Dad is he still here he cant be unless a anomoly happened well i hope atleast the kid dies on the way down here
I get up and get my usual jacket and sure enough dad is there sitting down
Gaster: "son he was telling the truth"
Sans: "no thats was a bullsh*t lie and you fell for it now we are back down here instead of the surface when i see that kid i am going to kill that son of a b*tch"
I walk out and Papyrus lets out a confused Nyeh

Chara's P.O.V.
we finally made it to Y/n's house its a bit run down but that dousnt matter
Frisk: "ready"
Chara: "ready as i will ever be"
Frisk and i knock and Y/n's dad comes out but i then realise that i never met him well not in the last timeline at the very least
Dad: "ah its you two what do you need"
Chara: "well is Y/n home we wanna talk with him"
Dad: "of course let me wake him up, Y/N GET UP YOUR FRIENDS ARE WAITING FOR YOU"
You: "okay i'll be right there"

Your P.O.V.
I go downstairs and see them
You: "im going with them today alright dad"
Dad: "okay be sure to be back before nine"
I walk out and we walk to the coffee shop and i get the usual this is how start my all day hangouts just talking with them seeing whats new
You: "aight whats on your mind girls you seem troubled"
Frisk: "Y/n do you remember"
You: "remember what"
Chara: "remember before today the last timeline"
I gave them a confused look
You: "what are you talking about i dont even know what a timeline is i remember yesterday that we had school and telling you both im going for the sleeping world record but i dunno anything about a timeline"
I drink all of my coffee at once it burns sure but my body has gotten used to it
Frisk: (of course he dousnt remember what was i thinking)
You: "do you smell gunpowder"
Then there was a explosion

Asriel's P.O.V.
I wake up expecting to be a flower and not feel anything but i look at myself no stem no petals no leaves im still myself i dont know how but im still me but i smell something it smells like breakfast
I get out of bed and see mom making breakfast
Toriel: "oh you are awake can you go tell your father that breakfast is ready  he is in the garden"
How is this real i look outside and we are in the ruins how they reset but somethings not right
I go to the garden outside and sure enough dad is there
Asgore: "oh there you are asriel let me finish watering these flowers and i will get to you"
And thats the same dad always with his flowers i wish i was at the very least as good but last time i tried gardening i drowned the plants
Asgore: "what is it asriel"
Asriel: "breakfast is ready"
Asgore: "well lets go inside lets not keep your mother waiting"

Your P.O.V.
What happened there was a explosion
Villager: "there the golden eyed and red eyed demon and the person who protects them burn them"
I see a mob with pitchforks and torches i hated fire all my life and i look more closley to the crowd and i see my family
You: "what the hell dad why are you doing this im your son"
Dad: "im sorry son but they forced us they said they would take away everything we have and burn us alive if we didnt do this forgive me my son"
We run up mount ebbot and thats were we left off now lets continue
You: "where do we go they are gonna cause a forest fire and im afraid of fire"
Chara seems to be looking around
Chara: "there"
She points towards a hole
You: "chara we will die we dont know how deep it is"
Frisk: "we need to give it a shot its that or being burnt alive"
You agree and fall down the hole and into the underground you went

A/n: hello author here hope you enjoyed the prolouge i didnt do one for the last one but i thought that it was needed but a few changes that i forgot to say your father is nice and your mother is alive but adrian doesnt exist or atleast not yet and as always
C yaa laters

Anomalies ( Female Chara X Male Reader Sequel) [CANCELED] Where stories live. Discover now