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A/n: "dont you fucking dare"
Dave: "lol get rekt"
A/n: "why'd you steal my star"
Dave: "i dont give a shit i dont give a fuck i might just give a shit, i might just give a fuck but i wont lololol"
A/n: "theres one thing that can defeat you"
Dave: "and whats that fanfic writer"

A/n: "dont you fucking dare"Dave: "lol get rekt"A/n: "why'd you steal my star"Dave: "i dont give a shit i dont give a fuck i might just give a shit, i might just give a fuck but i wont lololol"A/n: "theres one thing that can defeat you"Dave: "and ...

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F1L3 CoRruPTed

???: Snowdin- playtime unknown

💚(Y/n): waterfall playtime- eight hours

Which timeline?
ERroR r0Ute nOt FOunD
Pacifist route
💚??? Route
(Italic underline is whispering)
Third person P.O.V

As everyone eventually reaches the mtt hotel Y/n had a plan to have him and Chara spend some alone time together after all they were best friends, but just how is he going to that with everyone tagging along ever where he went its simple, simply go to the mtt restaurant spend a fortune and just talk however thing are never that simple are they.

Y/n P.O.V.
The Mtt Resort finally somewhere where nothing can go wrong.
Y/n: "finally a place where i can take a nap i have been running on Human energy drinks for the past ten hours"
Chara: "You're just saying that because you're lazy"
Frisk: "whatever lets just check in already"

Five minutes later

Hand lady: "Prince Asriel im sorry but this is the actual price i can give you a one percent discount if you want"
Asriel: "let me speak to your manager"
Chara: "oh no Azzy is going karen mode"
Y/n: "what did you call asriel"
Chara: "oh well its a nickname for him kinda like how i used to call yo-"
Chara seemed to be troubled by something.
Y/n: "hey whats wrong"
Chara: "nothing lets go help azzy"
Asriel is being held back by Frisk and Y/n.
Y/n: "Asriel stop it, its okay i'll pay for it"

4 hours ago

As the group entered the spider webs they all felt as if they were stuck.
Then from the shadows A giant spider came out they looked feminine.
Muffet: "fufufu what a human boy y look so cute i'll use your faces as icing just for the two of you"
Muffet ties you all up
Fight 💚Act Item Mercy
*Check *pay 💚Ask nicely
You ask nicely for muffet to let you go
Muffet: "oh what a gentleman you know your manners have some treats for free"
Muffet comes up to you and puts a cookie in your mouth.
You look to your side and see charra pissed almost as if she was about to melt the webs with anger.

Asriel: "cant believe we had to spend 71,000 gold to get into this room but theres only two beds"
Chara: "how about two on each bed"
Frisk: "what a great idea i'll be with asriel hes so fluffy"


It was night or we thought it was at a certain time all the lights in the underground turn off so its probably nighttime.
Me and chara were under the covers until i felt something a urge to eat im hungry at the worst time the restaurant is still open, i get out of bed and onto the soft carpet and slowly tip toe towards the door until i look behind me and see red glowing eyes but its just chara.
Y/n: "Oh  Chara is just you, you scared me for a second"
Chara: "sorry but why are you awake right now"
Y/n: "Im hungry right now are you"
Chara nods
You: "wanna get something to eat"
Chara: "yeah sure at the restaurant"
Y/n: "Yeah where else"
You two exit the room and enter the restaurant, you both sit down and look at the strange menu
Y/n: "Mtt steak hard as a brick skeleton used it to kill serial killer"
Chara: "dark chocolate normal dark chocolate just expensive"
Y/n: "yeah lets just not order anything"
Chara: "yeah so what do you want to talk about"
Y/n: "well we're very close to the end and we'll be leaving soon"
Chara: "yeah we'll be able to leave soon"
Y/n: "yeah but i've been thinking why leave"
Chara: "dont you want to be on the surface again"
Y/n: "yeah but we arent welcome up there i mean how did we come down here they didnt want us there because we were different thats why all these nice welcoming people are down here"
Chara: "dont you want to see your da-
Y/n: "sorry im super stressed out like something is out to get us"
Chara: "dont worry im here for you"
Chara hugged you and you hugged back
Chara: "say wanna head to waterfall"
Y/n: "sure"

As you walked to waterfall you noticed chara breathing heavily not paniking breathing but like shes preparing to say something important .
At last you and chara make it to the cliffside where you have a view of the stars and the castle in the distance, calming down you look at chara, her eyes were glowing again and you were staring at them like they were pulling you in towards a warm hug They would fit in perfectly with the rest of the stars or fake stars in the sky Chara faces towards you
Chara: "i have something to tell you
Y/n L/n"
Chara said your last name it has to be serious.
Y/n: "Yeah what is it"
Chara: "This isnt the first time we've met, we've met before"
Y/n: "like how"
Chara: "we met in the last timeline but you probably cant remember so i'll tell you this time instead of you
I-i l-love you Y/n"
Y/n: "Chara i dont know what you mean by last timeline but eversince we've gotten to the underground i felt the same way about you I love you Chara"
You put your arms around chara's waist as she puts her arms around your neck pulling you in for a kiss. You stayed like that for a while you dont know how long but you disnt care as long as you were there with her.
Chara: "lets go back before they realise we arent there"
Y/n: "Yeah im tired"

??? P.O.V.
Enjoy your happiness while it lasts it Y/n its about to go all downhill soon

Author here hope you all enjoyed this chapter sorry i didnt update for a while i had a sunburn and it was killing me and i apologise for that but all in all
C yaa laters

Anomalies ( Female Chara X Male Reader Sequel) [CANCELED] Where stories live. Discover now