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The purple man is currently raging
A/n: ayo chill man
A/n: i have a different solution instead then if you wanna be a cry baby
A/n holds up a pack of cards that say UNO on them
Dave: no more games ONLY DEATH
Dace pulls oyt his knife running ready to strike
A/n: you fool i have been watching anime recently

The purple man is currently ragingA/n: ayo chill manDave: NO CHANCE TIME IS UTTER BULLSHIT ALL MY STARS WERE GIVEN TO YOU A/n: i have a different solution instead then if you wanna be a cry babyA/n holds up a pack of cards that say UNO on themDave...

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Dave: impossible i will have to bring out my own then
Dave summons a giant animatronic rabbit as his stand

Dave: impossible i will have to bring out my own thenDave summons a giant animatronic rabbit as his stand

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To Be Continued next chapter
Your P.O.V. Waking up again i realized that it was still night and that urge to eat happened but it had a sense of deja vu to it getting out of bed you walk outside to find an abandoned resort will walking over to the restaurant everything behind you starts fading away with it eventually becoming a black void while in the void you hear strange noises that wont be quiet.
As you start running further and further into the void you encounter something strange a tree with a feeling that a person is behind it. They were pale as a skelleton maybe they were one.

Y/n: "hey can you tell me where i am and who are you"
???: "i go by many names the egg man, Wing Dings but most refer to me as gaster"
Y/n: "Oh the nice skelleton that i met in snowdin"
Gaster: "no i am him but a different him"
Y/n: "wait that doesnt make sense how  are you him but different"

Gaster: "You could say i am an alternate version of him"
Y/n: "well can you tell me how i got here and how you got here as well"
Gaster: "you ask many questions, but i will answer them all, the way you are here is that you stumbled into an alternate universe a place sifferent from your world it is called the dark world, but the place we are in is cutoff from the rest of the world"
Y/n: "well how did i stumble here in the first place"
Gaster: "you came here through an event in the multiverse some events are big such as The X Event which happened a decade ago and some are small like finding a grey door in waterfall, think of it as numbers sometimes the multiverse rolls the dice and a event will happen"
Y/n: "well how do i get out of here"
Gaster: "take this first"
He hands you a jewl could be considered a ruby it has a maganta glow to it.
Y/n: "what do i do with this"
Gaster you will know when to use it"

Gaster: "now wake up"
Jolting awake in the resort bed you see everyone sleeping and you think to yourself that ut was just a weird dream reaching into your pocket you see the ruby in there you doze off again as you have alot of things now swirling in your head.

A/n: hello there hope you enjoyed the story i havent made a chapter in a while so i hope you liked it, it may be a bit short since it is late at night as i am posting this but i guess good night and C yaa later

Anomalies ( Female Chara X Male Reader Sequel) [CANCELED] Where stories live. Discover now