Meeting The Dreemurrs

615 14 3

A/n: god procrastination is a b**ch hope you enjoy

Your P.O.V.
What happened all i remember is falling, wait i remember i was running with some people, wait they were my friends are we dead. I open my eyes and see flowers, golden buttercups. I look up and see the light of the sun i start looking around me the flowers softend our fall. I see Frisk and Chara they fell on the flowers too. They arent awake yet but i should check their pulse. I move towards them but my leg lets out stinging pain i might of either broke it or sprained it but that is the least of my worries. I check Frisk they seem okay a few bruises here and there but nothing much, I check Chara they seem fine aswell but their head seems abit more injured than the rest of their body. They must have gone head first but the flowers stopped to much damage from happening but i didnt get special treatment they fell in the center while i fell on the edge of the flowers whatever as long as they are safe. But we need to go we fell in a cave and need to find a way out but i cant go on with my leg like this. I crawl over to some vines and wrap them into a make-shift bandage and grab a stick to help me walk good thing i paid attention in health now i should wake them up.
You: "hey Frisk wake up we need to get out of here"
Frisk: "huh well lets get moving then"
You: "Chara, wake up we have a city to burn"
Chara: "why didnt you say so"

Take 2

You: "Chara wake up we need to get out of here"
Chara: "five more minutes"
You: "you hit your head we need to get you somewhere"
Chara gets up but with some help from you. You bandage her head with some vine
You: "that should help for now, now lets move on but i need help walking"
Chara helps you walk and you all walk down a hallway looking for a way out of the cave
Chara: "Y/n, do you remember us"
You: "of course i do i will always remember my best friend"
Chara has a sad look on her face
Chara: "do you remember how we met"
You: "we met at kindergarten you were alone and your only friend was Frisk but they were absent that day, so i walked over to you and i asked if we can draw with you and we have been best friends ever since"
Chara: "oh, well do you have any idea how to get out of here"
You: "no clue i was thinking of climbing using some vine or grabing onto some rock but we had a long fall so i dont think we can"

We walked into the next room but it was empty except for a small patch of flowers like something was supposed to be there but all that was there was a goat boy he seemed familier he was watering the flowers
???: "oh is someone there"
He turns and seemed surprised and dropped his watering can
???: "oh no are you injured do you need help"
You: "i need help walking i can use some help but whats your name"
Asriel: "i am Asriel, prince of the underground, and helper of injured friends"
Asriel then went to help you walk and Chara went to Frisk

Frisk's P.O.V.
This is different Flowey was supposed to be here and Toriel as well but this has changed. Things are somehow different. Chara came towards me as we headed to the next room
Chara: "Frisk what happened things werent supposed to be like this why is Y/n here, why doesnt he remember"
Frisk: "i dunno but lets pretend like this is all new"
Chara nodded and we head to the large room with the savepoint
Y/n: "woah this is so cool"
Y/n runs around and trips and falls in the leaves
Asriel: "great idea"
Asriel jumps into the leaf pile as well
They build a giant leaf pile and Y/n sticks his head out
Y/n: "i am the leaf guardian, guardian of the leaves"
Asriel: "Asgore fears him"
Asgore walks in with Toriel
Asgore: "what was that about me-"
Asgore stops as he sees us
Toriel: "oh dear are you children okay"
Y/n: "i hurt my leg on the fall, but my friends are okay"
Asriel: "yeah i was helping him walk"
Toriel: "come here child let me help you"
Toriel then uses green magic and heals Y/n's leg
Y/n: "woah, what was that"
Asgore: "that was green magic and Tori is very skilled at it"
Y/n: "but who are you"
Toriel: "we are the majesties of the underground, my name is Toriel and my husbands name is Asgore"
Asgore: "now let us go home you two seem to have been through a lot today"

Your P.O.V.
We walked into the next room
You: "whats this"
I point to various buttons in positions
Toriel: "this is a puzzle, we had these when we were put down there to fend off intruders"
Toriel walks onto the buttons in a square formation starting on the left bottom most button and ends on the left top button
Toriel: "these puzzles seem dangerous for now you should stick with us until you get the hang of them"

Timeskip becasue i have to get this done soon

We end up in a room with a large tree with leaves laying around it with a lonely home
Asriel: "this is where we live and you will too"
Toriel: "yes we have made the decision that you will stay with us"
Asgore: "i think you will be very happy living with us"
I have a flashback it was with us back up on the surface but the house was different it had holiday lights and instead of asgore there were two skelletons
Chara snaps me out of it
Chara: "hey idiot lets get inside"
You: "right"

You: "Toriel where will i sleep tonight"
Toriel: "well Frisk will be sleeping with Asriel, and you will sleep with Chara since you two are best friends"
You: "okay goodnight mom"
Toriel seemed surprised
Toriel: "goodnight to you my child"
I walk in to my bedroom and get on my bed Chara was already there sleeping.
You: "goodnight Chara"

A/n: sorry this took so long Procrastination sucks but i was able to get this for you hope you enjoyed and as always
C yaa laters

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