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A/n: hello there sorry for not updating its been rough ever since this new year has started as if its even worse but lets not dwell on that fact but lets go

Your P.O.V.

I wake up in bed Chara on my chest. This never happened did she have a nightmare i heard from Frisk she had these alot recently. I get up carefully not to wake her up and putting a pillow in my place. I walk out of the room and walk to the bathroom and do my routine. I enter the kitchen and see Frisk along with Asriel cooking with Toriel baking making pancakes.
Toriel: "oh you are awake my child we are making breakfast, Asriel can you get him some of your clothes so they can take a shower"
Asriel: "yes mom"
Asriel takes my arm pulling me to his room and opening his wardrobe taking out a (F/c) pair of sweatpants they look oddly familier. He then takes out a Green and (F/c) striped shirt.
Asriel: "here is some clothes i dont wear anymore you can wear these while mom washes your old clothes"
You: "thank you Asriel i appreciate it"
You then proceed to go in the bathroom and start taking a shower.

Chara's P.O.V.
I wake up on a pillow where's Y/n. I get up and head to the kitchen and see Frisk cooking with mom.
Frisk: "hey Chara we're making pancakes"
Chara: "i dont want any where's Y/n"
Frisk: "not even with chicolate sauce"
Chara: "i think you know the answer"
Frisk: "of course i know Y/n is taking a shower"
Frisk grows a lenny face
Frisk: "mom can you take care of the rest"
Toriel: "of course i can"
Frisk pulls me next to the bathroom hearing the shower head why do i have a bad feeling about this.
Frisk: "what are you waiting for"
Chara: "im not doing that, im no pervert"
Frisk: "you know you want to"
Chara: "no that is violating his privacy"
Frisk: "okay if you dont wanna take a peak i will instead"
Chara: "fine i will move out of the way"
Chara opens the door and sees you showering but you had your back to the door. Chara closes the door gently blushing greatly.
Frisk: "what did you see did you see his di-"
Chara: "shut up i only saw his back lets go to the garden"

Asriels P.O.V.
After Y/n headed i went out to the garden. After arriving to the garden i see Frisk and Chara.
Asriel: "howdy how are this morning"
Frisk: "we are fine and we need to ask you a question"
Asriel: "ask away but make it quick we need to get back in time for breakfast"
Chara: "do you remember the last Timeline"
Asriel: "i remember, it isnt supposed to be like this how did it come to this"
Frisk: "an anomaly happened"
Asriel: "whats that"
Chara: "an anomoly is something that is rare to happen in which things change but nothing drastic but i think since the timeline was almost to the brink of self destruction it was confused and just threw together what it knew at the time"
Asriel: "well you both need to get to the barrier"
Frisk: "you are coming with us"
Asriel: "w-wait why do i have to go"
Frisk: "who knows what else is different we need to stay safe"
Asriel: "you're right but what will mom and dad think"
Chara: "only one way to find out"
We get home and sit down in the table

Your P.O.V.
I get out of the shower drying myself and putting the clothes that Asriel gave me. I walk towards the table taking a seat between Asriel and Chara. As we eat i start thinking aboit what Hope told me i have a special soul but it seems normal. I move on from that thought and think about that flashback from yesterday where was Asgore who were those skeletons. As i keep thinking i hear Chara speaking up.
Chara: "mom why do you stay here"
Toriel: "well we didnt like the possibility of humans coming through the barrier so we decided on staying in the ruins but we couldnt have that many monsters here so we live here peaceful while everyone else just lives their lives moat monsters are peaceful we dont know what they do out there but its not like it bothers us"
Frisk: "so you abandoned your kingdom"
Asgore: "oh no we still have the throne we just command from here"
Chara: "can we leave from here"
Toriel: "why would you want to leave from such a peaceful place"
Frisk: "so we can see if we can go home"
Asgore: "but this is your home"
You: "but we want t-"
You stopped as you remember what happened on the surface the fire the people who wanted to hurt you
You: "maybe we shouldnt go"
Chara: "why dont you want to go home"
You: "we have no more home"
Chara: "dont you want your dad again"
You get angry
Chara tears up runs to the room Frisk and Asriel went to go comfort her

Timeskip to evening
I havent gone to the room yet i feel bad for what i did i shouldnt have yelled at her like that. Im going to go apologize to her. I head to the door and knock but nobody came.
You: "Chara, i didnt mean to lash out on you earlier im sorry can we just talk" but nobody answered
Screw it
You: "Chara, im coming in"
You open the door to see it empty must be in the other room.
*You check the other room.
*but nobody was there
You start paniking and searching for any sign of them and find a note

Dear Y/n,
"im sorry for making you angry i shouldnt have mentioned him, but we are going to free the monsters somehow we will find a way i have left with Frisk and Asriel if you wish to come then head to the door in the basement and leave"

-From Chara

Oh god they left should i go i have a feeling i should go. I grab whatever i need for a journey and head to Toriel and Asgore who are in the living room reading.
You: "mom, dad wheres the exit"
Toriel: "why would you want to know that child"
You: "because i want to leave"
Toriel: "go to your room and apoligise for what you did to Chara"
You head to your room and waited until it was night and they were asleep and left a note.

Dear mom and dad
"You may have noticed that i have left the reason is because the others left long ago, i am going to make sure they are safe and do what you told me apologise"

-Sincerely Y/n

A/n: hello hope you enjoyed this sorry it took so long for a chapter but atleast i came back expect another chapter in three days and as always
C yaa laters

Anomalies ( Female Chara X Male Reader Sequel) [CANCELED] Where stories live. Discover now