Nightmares and dreams

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A/n: oh god im so sorry for not updating this there was alot of irl stuff i had to deal with but lets get on with what you came for

Your P.O.V.
An empty void its all i can see it feels familier almost as if i was here before. This feels unsettling the vast darkness, i always had a fear of the dark. The thought of being helpless as you cannot see what is around you or whats with. I eventually make it to somewhere different the darkness was seemed to get darker and then after walking i felt dizzy and fell down closing my eyes to endure the pain i land on cement?.
Woman: "sir are you okay"
I look around and see im in a market place in a village and a castle in the distance i then look to myself and i seem i am wearing a different outfit i have a white robe with some sort of sandals the kind that people would wear in the medieval era. The woman was looking at me still waiting for a response.
You: "oh um fine just tripped"
Woman: "ok you just worried me, are you from around here"
You: "no i just arrived a few days ago, say do you know how to get info from around here"
Woman: "you can go to the kings you have a striking resemblance to them"
You: "thank you for your help"
My gut is telling me to go there i should go get answers from how i got here.

Chara's P.O.V.
I wake up and i appear in a dark void not this again. I see the familier yellow and green striped shirt i wear its me.
Other chara: "why arent you killing them"
Chara: "what i would never kill the monsters not again ain i've changed"
Other chara: "you are still that murderur inside and you never will change and i will make sure of it"
I appear in the judgement hall why here of all places i start walking down hoping to find a way out and see Y/n at the end of the hall.
Y/n: "why, why did you kill them, they were nice and you slaughtered them without thinking, and to think i loved you"
Chara: "wait thats all in the past i've changed you said you accepted me"
Y/n sends waves a fire i attempt to move to the side but i cant move and i am ingulfed in flames.
Chara: "Nooooo"
I take deep breaths and look around me the same room the same me and the same Y/n. I lie back down still scared i hug Y/n for comfort and i doze off.

Asriels P.O.V.
I see nothing but darkness and i start walking forward unsure of where i am and i make it to a patch of grass and that flower emerges.
Flowey: "hmm so how did your happy ending go"
Asriel: "..."
Flowey: "thats right everythings different and we are back down here and you are the same person"
Asriel: "what do you mean"
Flowey: "i mean that we are the same being the same person you still killed all those monsters"
Asriel: "but we also helped people"
Flowey: "because you were curious with our new abilities and thats what lead you to kill"
Asriel: "...."
Flowey: "have fun denying yourself the truth you eventually have to tell everyone"
The flower went into the ground and i fall to the ground and cry

Your P.O.V.
I slowly walk to the castle hoping to get answers on how i got here. While i am walking i take in my suroundings a small peacefull village market place. Children running around and playing. I make it to the front gates after   sometime and get stopped by a guard
Guard: "hault what is your business with the magisties"
You: "i am new and i need to talk to the king to see how it functions"
Guard: "i will acompany you as i am suspicious of your actions move along"

The gates open and i walk inside the castle it really is how the history books say it is statues everywhere, suits of armour on stands ready for combat and yellow with black striped carpet i look to my sides and see paintings of what looks to be portraits of the kings and the woman from the market place was right i do look like the kings except the kings seem like brothers ruling along side of eachother one with a bright yellow robe and one with a dark black robe.
Guard: "i see you have taken interest in the kings"
You: "yes i have can you tell me more about them"
Guard: "well both of them are brothers if that wasnt obvious and they built this kingdom from scratch no one knows how some think they have supernatural powers some others think they are gods and worship them others just dont care" <hope and insanity are gods just kings of a kingdom in this story now>
You: "thank you"
We make it to a door and its big the guard takes out a key and starts pushing it open. We walk in and i see the kings in their respective throne.
Yellow robed king: "hello kind citizen what is your business"
Black robed king: "hurry up and say what your need"
Guard: "this citizen is new here and needs to learn how things work around here"
Yellow robed king: "hmm yes guardsmen may you please leave the room"
Guard: "yes sir"

The guard leaves and leaves me woth the kings
Black robed king: "alright cut the bullsh*t how did you get here i know you arent new"
Yellow robed king: "calm down bro, my apolagies for my brother he does not like visitors it may be true you arent from around here how did you get here"
You: "i think we should start with proper introductions"
Hope: "why yes my name is Hope and my brother is Insanity"
You: "i am Y/n glad to meet you"
Insanity: "just tell us how you got here"
You: "well i was going to sleep in my bed and i woke up in darkness and i fell down onto the market place floor"
Hope: "hmm it seems you are in a dream my friend and you are special your soul is very different from others it has our energy in it you will need to visit us again soon for us to properly inspect it"
You: "how do i do that"
Insanity: "just think of you being here and you will appear here"
You start feeling dizzy and fall down and you smell breakfast from the kitchen.


A/n: sorry for taking a long time to make this but i hope you enjoyed this but i have to go now and as always
C yaa laters

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