Hotland is hot! (suprisingly)

238 6 15

Author is just chilling until he gets a phone call
Author: "who can that be"
Person: "remember me Bit**"
Author: "wait you sound familier"
Person: "you left me to die in there but im back" the door opens
Author: "impossible i left you in the comedy area a long time ago how did you get out"
Dave: "uhhh"
/op totallynotkiddiemurduer
Your gamemode has been updated to creative
Flashback ends
Dave: "i pulled some strings but im going to fucking murder y- holy shit is that mario party"
Author: "uhh yeah"
Dave: "we'll settle this like men"
Author: "oh its on"

Y/n's P.O.V
I wake up in a bed its very dark. It looks like this place hasnt been touched in years.
I get up and try and find a way out.
I find a elevator and go up.
When i finally get up i see a yellow dinosaur at a computor she seems familier.
Alphys: "o-oh you're a-wake the others are still sleeping oh my name is Alphys"
Y/n: "oh well i may as well wait for them to wake up but where am i"
Alphys: "Papyrus brought you here when you passed out Again"
Y/n: "okay what happened when i was asleep"
Alphys: "we ran a hp scan on you all but your soul repaired itself despite being in a dangerous situation where it was near cracking"
Y/n: "huh weird also what is up with my soul"
Alphys: "well its something i've never seen before but let me explain from the beggining"
Alphys: "there is seven souls kindness, bravery, perservearence, integrity, justice, patience, and Determination being the strongest."
Y/n: "but asriels is white"
Alphys: "a monsters soul is built out of love and weaker than human souls"
Alphys: "But there is only two cases of two unique soul traits i cant remember the names but there was one bright as gold and one dark of the darkest nights both weilded by the kings of the human world before we were imprisoned here"

There was a loud soud that woke up the others.
Chara: "what was that"
There was another loud sound that shook everyone and chara held onto you. Both of you blushing you look behind you and frisk was holding onto asriel, with asriel giving you a look that basically says help me.
Alphys: "oh no"
One last bang was heard along with a sound that the wall broke
Robotic voice: "ohhhhhhh yesssssssss"

After the smoke cleared a robotic square appeared.
Y/n holds onto chara
Flustered Chara: "get off of me"
Chara shoves Y/n to the floor
Robot: "wut"

Technical difficulties

Mettaton: "Hello monsters all over welcome back to another episode of the quiz with mettaton, we now have four special guests tonight give them a big round of applause"
Clapping was heard and the wall behind you had multiple monsters and stage crew.
Frisk: "wait we didnt agree to this"
Mettaton: "you should be honored to be here but lets not dwell on that let the show begin"

Mettaton approaches
Fight 💚Act Item Mercy
*Check *cry 💚scream in fear
You scream in fear of your oncoming doom.
Mettaton: "dont scream it lowers the ratings"
Question 1
Whats 9+10
Asriel: "easy its 19"
Y/n: "21"
Mettaton: "Y/n is correct"
Asriel is shocked and his hp is lowerd to 15
Question 2
What is this shape?

Y/n: "its aaaaaaaaaaaaa triangle"
Mettaton: "..."
Y/n: "i got right wooo"
*Y/n is zapped and his hp is lowered to 12
Chara: "this is bullshit"
*chara pulld out a pockets knife
Chara: "YOLOOOO"
Mettaton moves to the side and chara misses
Y/n: "times to end this"
Fight Act 💚Item Mercy
💚Rotton quiche * memez
You throw the rotton quiche at mettaton....
Everyone is silent
Mettaton: "My viewers cant see me like this oh well you win this time but we shall see eachother one again"
Mettaton blasts off

Y/n's party earned 0 exp and 38 monies

Asriel: "da fak was dat"
Y/n: "i dont wanna know so lets keep
On moving"
You all walk out the lab with confused faces on what happened
Chara: "so that was why you smelled so bad you had a rotten cake in your pocket"
Y/n: "its called a quiche you know"
Chara: "whatever just dont grab onto me like that again and dont do that to asriel frisk he felt uncomfortable"
Frisk: "but he felt warm and comfy"
Asriel: "can we move on its kinda hot out here"
Y/n: "surprisingly"


Frisk: " Y/n just let us have a try at the puzzle"
Y/n: "no i almost got it i just need to shoot the ship WHY IS IT SO DIFFICULT"
Chara: "let me show you"
Chara proceeds to oneshot the puzzle first try
Y/n: "i uh made it simler for you thats it"

As you continue your journey aseiel has a talk with you.
Asriel: "hey man you've been acting weird around chara lately whats going on"
Y/n: "i dont know its that i have these weird feelings for her i feel different around her more happy and nervous around her bit its weird since i only got these feeling for her when we fell down here"
Asriel: "hey dont you think its weird how we havent seen another monster since alphys and mettaton"
Frisk: "yeah i could have sworn we should have seen a fire monster by now"
Y/n: "wait fire"
Chara: "yeah hotland dont you think there would be hot monsters here"
Y/n: "i dont know about hot monsters but im seeing a hot human right now"
Chara turns her head away from you, you could have sworn you saw a blush on her face.
Y/n: 'why did i say that shes going to think im weird but it felt like i said the truth'

??? P.O.V

???: "finally a way inside this timeline im weak from using all my LOVE to get here lets get some more and why not a host while im on it someone who despises my enemy"
??? Spots sans at his snowdin post
???: "the hatred raiating off him towards him is unantural hes PERFECT"
??? Gets closer to sans and takes control of his body sans puts up a struggle but gives in
???: 'kill every monster you see and make it quick'
Sans: "Yes boss"

A/n: hope you enjoyed this chapter alot of thinking went into this one and im sorry for not updating real life things got in the way any ways
C yaa laters

-----------------------------------------------------------A/n: hope you enjoyed this chapter alot of thinking went into this one and im sorry for not updating real life things got in the way any ways C yaa laters

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