Waterfalling 2

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Man how long has it been since i updated this book march tenth huh ight time to start

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Hope: mystical kingdom playtime- ???

F1lE CorRuPtEd select another

💚(Y/n): waterfall playtime- seven hours

Which timeline?
ERroR r0Ute nOt FOunD
Pacifist route
💚??? Route

Welcome back (Y/n) lets see how things play out now that you're back, i have many things planned out for you
Your P.O.V
After a near death experience i start thinking as i head towards a room filled with bright blue water why is it that i still see hope in humans after all they have done to us. Well people can change.... Right?

Heading into a room filled with darkness i start thinking about Chara i feel as if i met her before before i keep having this nagging. My thoughts were caught off by a statue that was constantly having water fall on its head i grab an unbrella and put it on the floor near it and hear a small tune it sounds so familiar. As i head back i get an idea to play the tune on the piano.
*You attempted to play the tune on the piano and fail.
Chara was always a good piano player maybe they can do this. Walking back my thoughts turned to what i have been seeing in my dreams recently what are they. Are they things that happened in the past my soul getting transported to a place i never knew existed. Is it trying to tell me a story or  something else. While i was thinking a lot of blue dots appeared near me. Only when i noticed them spears came from below me. Looking below me through the planks of wood i saw the masked hero again.
Y/n: "sh*t"
Running was never my strong suit yet i kept going until i made it to a center platform of sorts.

Chara's P.O.V.
Afyer searching for a while i started to give up hope.
Chara: "why is he such a idiot"
I started breaking down into tears Friak and Asriel auickly comforting me.
Frisk: "hey its okay we'll find him soon"
Asriel: "yeah im sure hes around here somewhere"
Suddenly in the distance
Chara: "hey that sounded like (Y/n)"
Frisk: "cmon they're probably on the bridge being chased"
Chara: "wait didnt the chase end with us falling down we gotta go now"
We started running to whatwr thought was Y/n's direction who knows what will happen in this glitched timeline.

Your P.O.V.
After running for what seemed like ages i had found a dead end just great tuening around to look for another way i saw the masked hero standing in front of me.
The group running towards me thank god im saved.
Asriel: "Undyne stand down"
The masked hero kneeled before asriel foegot he was a prince.
Chara: "(Y/n) what where you thinking i thought we could trust you waiting at the sentry station but you had to wander off and made us worry i almost thought i lost you and i th-thought i was going to l-lose y-you and i"
Chara starts breaking into tears and you hug her to comfort her
You: "dont worry im here now nothing will happen to me"
Chara: "can you promise me something"
You: "of course what is it"
Chara: "that you'll never leave me"
Hearing these words made you blush and you can also see Chara blushing.
You: "yeah yeah of course i can promise you that"
Asriel: "okay lets head back to sans and Papyrus's house"
Frisk: "alright who wants to get nice cream"
Asriel: "oh me me"
Chara: "ok lets go then"
As you all start walking a bone came down on the bridge and you all fell into the abyss below.

Darkness what is it, can you touch it, can you eat it, CAN YOU KILL IT. You wake up in a bed with drapes around you they seem to make the light brighter. Getting up you realise you are'nt in your usual clothes but instead of kingly robes mostly consting of bright and dark colors. Your eyes adjusting to the bright light you can see you are in a bedroom that would be fit for a king. A balcony is to your right looking out towards a kingdom towards your left is the door leading in. Walking towards the window you start thinking why were you blushing when Chara asked to make that promise with you. You dont have any feelings for her. Just a childhood friend... Right?

Your thoughts were obstructed when someone came into the room. It was Hope in his usual kingly robes except his were just bright colors instead of dark and bright like yours were.
Hope: "ahh (Y/n) i see you're awake like your new robes"
You: "oh yeah i like them but why did you make these for me when i just showed up a few days ago"
Hope: "oh because your test results on your soul came back as a mixture between ours although we had never seen you before"
You: "but im like a stranger to you are'nt i"
Hope: "no of course not you're like a sibling to us"
You: "well wheres insanity"
Hope: "oh he said he was working on plans for something probably just another brewery"
You: "why another brewery has he done this before"
Hope: "well he drinks alot at night and me being the responsible one has to go get him when he gets to drunk to walk back which is every time lately i have to tell the servers to stop serving him until he pays his tab, but he threatens them with banishing them to the dungeons if they dont serve him"
You: "but why would he want another one"
Hope: "well i have to destroy the breweries that he goes to so he cant go there any more, but if hes making another one i'll let him he usually doesnt like to create things"
You: "Hope you wouldnt hide stuff from me would you"
Hope: "of course not whats going on"
You: "have i lived before i feel as if i've seen things before like i've met the same people before"
Hope: "well maybe its just that umm"
You: "its fine you're probably hiding something from me because im not ready for it yet its fine i can wait"
I felt my self fade from this place i was waking up.

How interesting i wonder how this will play out soon i'll be waiting
Y/n L/n.

You feel as if the odds are against you but you are filled with Hope.
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Anomalies ( Female Chara X Male Reader Sequel) [CANCELED] Where stories live. Discover now