Schedule, burnout and a little bit of venting (A/n)

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So i have decided on a schedule on my book this may change later but who knows so every three days i will update and i will most likely not update on weekends due to my father usually taking my phone away so unlikely if i have a break like my winter break or a day off i will not update i like to enjoy my breaks and do nothing productive this schedule is created because i am starting to burn out if you dont know what that means let me explain the best i can
Burnout: Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and often physical exhaustion brought on by prolonged or repeated stress.
I also go through procrastion the defintion which i grabbed off of google
Procrastination: The act of postponing, delaying or putting off, especially out of habitual carelessnes or laziness.
You should go on youtube and look at people who are more intelligent then me for more info if you wanna know more
examples of burnout are work or school enviroments when you pull a all nighter just to study for a test about useless information when someone works really hard you think thats great and they are a role model but when they drive themselves and force themselves to work and not eat drink or sleep its when you should get concerned that person is me between schoolwork and making chapters, i started this book for the intention to be short and finish it in my winter break but i kept having ideas and when i started doing 1000 word chapters i was starting to get exhausted eventually winter break finished and i was back to school then i came across the idea to bring the main character to the underground and then i got the idea to incorporate a reset and then i incorporated the missing memory and then i came up with a great title and then i just said screw it so i made this book and i now things are becoming stressfull with school and its just getting more difficult as the days go by and this was intended as just a scedule chapter but now im venting i just hope you all understand and appreciate everything im going thtough to het these chapters out to youbut i gotta stop writing now or im going to start getting personal thank you if you have read this far but
C yaa laters

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