A day in snowdin town

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A/n: hello there how have you been
Reader: ....
A/n: wonderful well next chapter is going up on monday hope you enjoy

Your P.O.V.
I wake up in the dark void is this my dreams now. I start walking forward as i try to think of the castle to be with Hope and Insanity they said when i go to sleep i should go there as soon as possible. I slowly start feeling dizzy, the dizziness gradually growing over time. I fall down and hit my head on a rug. Its the rug from before im here again. I check myself again same thing but now im wearing a toga 'not bad'. As i near the end of the hallway i see the big door once more it looking a bit older. I knock on the door with myself hurting my own hand 'what is this door made of'. The door slowly opens as i see Insanity again in a black bath robe holding a cup of coffee.

Insanity: "oh its you again"
He slams the door in my face. I hear muffled talking from behind the door as Hope opens the door.
Hope: "sorry my brother doesnt like unexpected visitors come on in"
Hope lets me in and i see the same throne room looking a bit older. Insanity walk in his black robes.
Insanity: "whats your business here so early in the godamn morning, i like to wear my bath robe as long as i can"
Hope whispers in my ear: "he's a bit lazy but you will get used to it"
Insainity: "Talking sh*t m8"
Hope looks nervous: "n-no j-just telling h-him about y-you"
Insanity: "thats what i thought"
Insanity faces you: "what do want"
You: "Hope told me to come back to inspect my soul"
Hope: "oh yes lets head to the medical room"

As we walk i stare at the walls seeing multiple paintings of Hope and Insanity but none of their parents.
You: "Hope, do you have any parents"
The two brothers look uneasy and dont answer my question.
We arrive at the medical room and i see a x-ray like machine and a medical bed.
Insanity: "jump onto the bed and we will check your soul"
You jump onto the medical bed and they put you underneath the ray and your soul comes out and there is cracks with yellow and black taking up the cracks. As the machine powers up and scans you.
Insanity: "close your eyes"
Once it finishes you fade away from the world as you were waking up.

I open my eyes and see a different ceiling it is a dark wood. I look around and im on a green couch. Beside me i see Chara on her knees sleeping holding my right hand 'aw now thats cute'. I get up and place her on the couch. I look more around me and see a skeleton at the table drinking a cup of coffee they are'nt as tall as Papyrus but not as short as sans.
???: "ahh you are awake are feeling alright"
You: "yeah im fine but where am i and how did i get here"
???: "my sons brought you here when you collapsed trying to complete a puzzle this is my home"
You: "who are you and how did they get here" you said this while gesturing to Chara
Gaster: "i am gaster, your friends came here a few hours ago, sans says they came out of a door, he also says you came out the same door."
You: "how do you know we are friends"
Gaster looks conflicted: "well i assumed that since you came out of the same door with only a seven hour time gap i thought you would know eachother, the girl next to you told me you had a argument with them causing them to leave earlier then expected"
You: "why didnt you say that in the first place"
Gaster: "i like messing around with visitors"
You: "what time did i arrive here"
Gaster: "11 pm fairly late, Payrus was doing his last patrol, Sans was doing his nightly stroll to clear his head then he found you, atleast thats what they both tell me, its 6 am right now"
You: "where are the rest sleeping"
Gaster: "countless questions with you Frisk and Asriel are sleeping in sans'es room sans and Papyrus are sleeping in his room, you and Chara are sleeping together"
You get up and get your sweater and gloves.
Gaster: "where are you going?"
You: "now you're the one asking questions, im just gonna take a walk around town"
Gaster: "dont head toward waterfall everywhere else should be safe"

You start walking around town talking to the dog throwing ice in the water. You both have a nice conversation about how ice and water go together nicely. You read a few book at the library making friends with the librarian on borh your love on books. You head to grillbys and meet some new friends grillby even taught you how to make sonething other than instant noodles.
You head over to where the snowman is and keep him some company since no one visits him. It was nine am and you were looking at the view from the cliff from where the snowman is until Chara found you.

Chara: "there you are we were looking all over for you, what are you even doing?"
You: "just appreciating the view its amazing on how beautifal a place underground is, like you"
Chara blushes from the sudden compliment. Chara sits next to you also looking at the view.
Chara: "im sorry about yesterday"
You: "its okay i shoudnt have gotten angry with you its just i didnt understand why you want to see the surface so badly when we obviously arent welcome"
Chara: "its just that i want to see everyone that cares for us"
You: "i understand why you would say that"
Snowman: "hey you two should kiss"
Chara is flustered and seems to want to leave: "we should head back its already nine thirty"
You: "yeah everyones waiting for us"

When you make it back everyone is releived.
Frisk: " Y/n we have decided to head to waterfall want to come"
You: "of course"
Papyrus: "hold on Human that is called Y/n i have something to give you."
Papyrus gives you a (F/c) scarf
You: "Papyrus why are you giving me one of your scarfs"
Papyrus:  "its because you were such a good sport during the puzzle gautlet"
You put on the scarf and you say bye while you all enter waterfall.

Hope's P.O.V.
As the boy fades away and me and my brother look at the results we are shocked at the reults.
He has our power.

A/n: hello there i hope you enjoyed this chapter this chapter was longer than my other chapter having 1174 words the next chapter will be going up on monday and as always
C yaa laters

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