Chapter 24

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Wednesday, August 1st, 2012


“Alright, today and tomorrow we are holding auditions for Justin Bieber's Believe World Tour!”

I listened from the very back of the room behind the 200-300 people in front of me. Jon had a microphone, so I could here him pretty well from where I stood. I listened and waited to walk up to the front.

“I'm Jon and I will be directing Justin's movie, this is Justin, this is Nick, and this is Moshe. We're going to try to be as professional as possible about this,” he gave Justin a look, “Nick and the other few dancers will be giving you a choreographed dance and you'll have time to practice carefully along. Since there's well over 200 of you, we expect you to follow as best you can and we will be walking around and judging each of you. The rest of the info is on the handout you received earlier.”

“Alright I’m Nick, on of Justin's dancers and his choreographer. I want all of you to get ready, stay hydrated, and start stretching. But most of all, have some fun!”

Damn, if I would've come earlier I wouldn't have had to wait through that whole speech. Justin insisted on me stopping to get something to eat for everyone though because he said we'd be here for a few hours, or longer. I made my way up towards the front where Justin was talking and laughing and enjoying himself as he waited. This studio was humongous.

“Sorry... oops... excuse me... I’m really sorry-”

“Hey, you're (YN) (YLN), Justin's girlfriend right?”

I turned around on my heel and looked down to see a girl who caught my attention. I stopped and pushed my hair out of my face, smiling at her as she stood up. She was probably a year or two older than me and she looked very fit and muscular.

“That's me!” I said confidently.

“Are you going on tour with him? I was just wondering because I thought if I make it, it'd be neat to talk to the both of you and stuff.”

“Oh, no, I-”

I froze up and stared at her. I obviously knew of Justin's tour since we met, but I’d never put any pieces together about what would happen once it begun. Would I go with him? I wanted to badly, but so many opportunities opened up for me lately. I'd gotten e-mails upon e-mails and calls upon calls of people wanting me to be in commercials, do an interview, or do some modeling. I told them that I’d consider my options and get back to them as soon as possible, and left it at that. I didn't want Justin to think that I was using him for fame, but I needed a job, badly. I couldn't just live off of my dad and Justin for the rest of my life. Justin had told me before that I didn't need a job, and that he'd take care of me, but I didn't want that. I'd never get to experience having a job or any of that. So I told him no.

“I'm actually still deciding, but good luck, I hope you make it on the crew, it's a lot of fun.”


I waved goodbye and turned back around with the many bags in my arms. Getting food for everyone was difficult, especially when they only sent one person. I walked right up to the table and dropped all of the bags with an oomph.

“You made it!” Justin said as he stood up and smiled.

“Awe you were worried about me?”

“I was talking to the food.”

I made a pouty face and Justin and the crew laughed as they stuffed their faces. Without hesitation, Justin hopped over the table and put his arms around me as we rocked back and forth.

“I was kidding babe, of course I was worried. It took you like an hour.”

“Yeah, there was an extra long line and people were wondering why I was getting 100 things.”

Justin laughed and let me go to kiss me. I pressed my lips back on his before letting go. And going to the other side of the table.I took Justin's spot and when he came around, instead of making me get up, he sat on my lap. I just shook my head and drank my smoothie and ate my food along with everyone else.

“Alright!” Justin yelled into the microphone. “Is everyone ready?”

Everyone excitedly said yes or nodded wildly. They all stood a few feet apart and Nick had another dancer direct them while he judged them. He was in the seat next to mine, on my left. Justin was still on my lap, judging people himself.

Time seemed to fly before we got a twenty minute break. Of course, it wasn't really a break for me, but it was nice to get up and stretch without being distracting. After awhile during the auditions, I laid on the ground on my laptop because I was bored. It was so boring here for me, there was nothing I could do.

I felt someone squeeze my sides and I rolled over and looked up at Justin who had a devious smile on his face. His head flicked to one side and I knew that he wanted to get out of the room. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up from the floor and we left the room. This studio was huge, but there was even more to this building. Quietly, Justin and I snuck through some doors and down some halls until we ended up in a secluded room that resembled an office mixed with a dressing room. I walked forward while Justin softly shut the door behind us. I turned to face him and gave him a funny look.

“What are we-”

Before I could finish my sentence, he crashed his lips against mine. I pushed back to regain my balance and I felt his hands grab my ass. I wrapped my arms around his neck and moved my fingers through his hair hungrily.

I had to push away to breath, “Justin, not here.”

He looked at his watch and smirked, “I can work with 15 minutes.”

I shook my head and pressed my lips back against his. We fell back on a firm couch and he laid over me, pressing down.

I searched for the hem of his shirt before pulling it over his head. He did the same with me, leaving me in my bra. The chilly air filling the room felt like nothing with the heat our bodies gave off. I breathed heavily and moaned Justin's name, only turning him on more.

His lips moved down to my neck, leaving wet love bites. I moaned and gripped his hair in a fist. I could feel his body grinding against mine, leaving me wanting more.

“Justin...” I breathed out.

He pulled away just as his phone buzzed and rang loudly. I jumped and grabbed something to cover myself in an automatic reaction. He smiled and answered the urgent call.

“Justin where are you bro? You're late.” I heard someone say on the other line.

Justin looked down at his watch and swore under his breath, “I'll be there in 2 minutes.”

he hung up the phone and got off of me. I slipped my shirt over my head quickly and grabbed Justin's hand. We ran back to the studio and straightened out before we walked back through the doors.

“Keep your hat on.” I advised Justin.

He laughed and took my hand and we entered the room again. Justin sat in his chair once again and I stood behind him with my hands on his shoulders. Luke, one of the dancers, approached Justin while the dancers performed.

“Hey bro, did you change your shirt?” he said as he pointed to Justin's chest.

Justin looked down and blushed, “No, I’ve been wearing this since I got here.” he said nervously.

“Sure.” Jon said and the rest of the table laughed, even a few of the people who came to audition did.

I blushed and dropped my head, laughing at Justin’s attempt and fail. I rolled my eyes and sat back down on the ground, opening my laptop. This was going to be a long day.

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