Chapter 11

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Friday, April 13th, 2012


I sat in the farthest back seats with Justin on my right and Ari on my left. We were ordering for all of these people and the people from the drive-thru of wherever we were, were not happy… I leaned my head on Justin’s shoulder and tried to just forget everything that happened earlier, but somehow it just kept coming back up somehow. I could tell that Justin was trying to change the subject every time to make sure I didn’t get upset. He was the best boyfriend ever hands down.

“Do you remember the first day we met?” Justin asked as he scrolled through something on his phone with his free hand, the other holding mine with our fingers intertwined.

“Yeah, why?”

“Well I don’t remember exactly what you said but you said that seeing you’re not famous and all of that, that you can't do what you want. Well you are famous now pretty much.” Justin pointed out.

He held up his phone and I looked at the video on my account that we uploaded the previous night. It had over 3 million views already! I could hardly believe it, I almost choked on a fry I stole from Aris breakfast.

“Oh my god…” I said quietly. Although I was surprised about the views, I was still thinking about what Justin had just said. I pushed his phone down away from me and looked into his eyes. “Justin, I don’t care about the fame, that’s not what I came into this relationship for, I came for you.”

He smiled and kissed my forehead. I sat back in my seat and drank my milkshake and laughed and talked with everyone else. I like when we all just chilled out and had fun, unlike… well you know what happened. We got back to Ashley’s house but soon enough, Justin and I left and headed back to our hotel. We dropped Ari off at the airport and I was sad to see her go but I knew I had to eventually. Hopefully I'd see her sooner rather than later. When we got back to the hotel, I felt a relief that I got to lay down and not think for a minute.

Peacefulness. Blissfulness. It was perfect while it lasted. I was the one who ended it though, so I could only blame myself. I shot my eyes open and turned on my side to look at Justin.

“But I do kinda want to put a video of my birthday on YouTube... And maybe a few others.” I said quietly.

He laughed and smiled at me, “Well, what are you waiting for.”

I jumped off of the bed and grabbed my laptop before sitting back down, leaning against the headboard. Justin helped me edit a short video of my birthday and we really did a good job.

“Aren’t you gonna put like a beginning where you introduce yourself and stuff? That’s what all of the other YouTubers do.” Justin asked.

“I’m not a YouTuber.” I laughed. “But I guess, Mr. Professional.”

I shrugged and recorded and small clip of me just introducing myself and telling a few things about myself before I cut it off and put the video in. The video really turned out and Justin seemed happier than me. I had a feeling that this was going to develop into something…

“You should start making videos, you’re good at it.” Justin suggested.

“I’ll consider it… but for now I just wanna focus on the good things in life.” I closed my laptop and gently placed it into the suitcase on the side of the bed. I laid back with Justin and stared into his eyes. “Like this, this is one of the good things.”

I pressed my lips against his and he smiled in between each kiss. I couldn’t help but giggle myself and mess around with him. I was genuinely happy.

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