Chapter 13

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Monday, April 23rd, 2012


“You literally went to my house and knocked on the door?” I said as I pushed away from Justin in disbelief, “Are you crazy?”

“Yeah… it wasn’t too smart, and I really was thinking that he’d realize that I was a good guy so I wasn’t expecting him to punch me and all of that stuff…” Justin’s voice trailed off.

“Oh my God, my boyfriend’s crazy. My boyfriend has literally gone crazy.” I said.

“Hey now, you chose to be with me.” Justin laughed, “But honestly, I’m not that sore at all, it’s surprising.”

I laid in his arms and we talked and talked. It was nice to have my Justin back now. I could honestly lay there for hours and talk to him about everything, which is how I planned the next 10 hours to be. I grabbed my phone and tweeted out a few things as usual. @(yourusername): so earlier I embarrassed myself by hitting my head on something, but hey, it somewhat fixed things.

After that I put my phone down and looked up, “Justin, what were you writing earlier?”

He looked down at me and smiled before looking over towards his notebook. “It was a note, for you. I want you to read it while I’m doing my interview. It’s all in French, so not many other people can understand it but you and me.”

“Good thing I finished French early then right?” I smiled.

I finished my French class earlier in Florida because I was already ahead. I asked if I could take the final and believe it or not… I passed! Of course with help from Justin while I was studying, which really did help a lot.

“Why during your interview?” I asked.

“Because, when I see the smile on your face it’ll just make the whole interview better.”

I smile and laid my head back on his chest. I liked moments like this, when we made up and just laid together talking. It was so hard to stay mad at Justin either way. I felt my phone buzz, and again, and again, jeez the messages just kept coming. I looked at the screen and saw the name. iMessage from Dad. I swallowed hard and unlocked my phone, reading the messages. I thought to myself, if my dad says something to upset me, it’ll just ruin the whole moment, so I was kinda scared to, but I still did.


I’ve made a choice that I think you and me both will be happy with. I want you in my life (YN), and if that means putting up with… him, then I will do whatever it takes. Just promise me that you’ll come back soon? I miss you so much and I can’t stand seeing your face in the news instead of in your room every night. Please, come home. Love, dad.

I moved my thumb to type back a message but all I could think to say was thank you. I wrote: Thank you, I love you dad. This means the world to me… see you soon. And then I locked my phone and put it in my sweatpants pocket.

“Justin, can you sing me a song?” I asked with my eyes closed as I cuddled closer to him.

“Of course, any preferences?”

“I just want to hear your voice.”

I awaited his reply and when he did, I was surprised. I’d only heard this song once before, but the lyrics still rambled in my head.

“Across the ocean… across the sea… starting to forget the way you look at me now.”

He sang at a slow pace, dragging out each note and ending it greatly. I sang with him silently and eventually, I fell asleep to his voice as if it were my own personal lullaby.

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