Chapter 1: The Beginning

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I keep trying to convince myslelf that my dad was only trying to help but another part of me can't help but see how much pain he's causing me. He is taking me away from all of my friends to live with him and his wife. Don't get me wrong I love my dad I just wish I didn't have to leave....

As we pull into the gated community I watch as all these huge houses pass by and wonder how much my life is about to change. I am NOT a huge fan on change or of my father for that matter. We pull into the driveway of a mansion and step out as my father grabs my bags.I stare up at this mansion and see how perfect my dad's life must be. It almost seems too perfect from my perspective. "You going to help me or not?" my dad says. "Oh, sorry"  I say and walk to the back of the car and grab my suitcase. We are walking towards the front door when this women comes out and hugs me. "Oh my! You got so big!" I look up to see who it is and I dont recognize her at all. I giver her a funny look. "Oh how rude of me! Im Jess, your'e old nanny!" She says. I look at her and giver her a small smile. She takes my suitcase from me and leads me into my room. 

The room is huge. It's painted a light purple with a king sized bed that has white sheets. I walk more into the room to realize that I have a balcony and a walk in closet. Jess sets my bags down and walks out leaving me to unpack my stuff.


It takes me a few hours to unpack but I finally finished and now it's 8pm. I'm laying on my bed while scrolling through twitter when my dad walks in. "Hey honey, I just wanted to come in and say goodnight" I look up at him and don't say a word. I look back down at my phone and just hope that he gets the hint that Im upset and leaves. He doesn't. He walks over by me and takes a seat on the edge of my bed. "Sweetie, I know that the change is hard but you'll get used to it I promise" That statement sent me over the edge. "I hate change and I always have! I don't understand why you think pulling me away from my friends is what's best for me because it's absolutely not, I was perfectly fine where I was but no you had to swoop in and flip my world upside down and not in the good way." I am now standing in front of him. "All I'm doing is protecting you-" I cut him off by putting my hand out. "Goodnight dad."

He keeps his head down while he walks out and shuts my door. I walk to my door and lock it. Think I'm a bitch all you want. I don't care because he is getting what he deserves. He shouldn't have dragged me out here just to satisfy his needs. Why hurt your child just to get what you want? I begin crying and open up my balcony doors to get some air. I need to get out of here. I look down and realize it's not that far of a jump. I stand on the railing and close my eyes, slowly while pushing off the wall that I was leaning against.

AUTHORS NOTE: HI guys! This is my first fanfic ever! So Im sorry if it's bad but I really hope you enjoy it! Comment and let me know what you guys think so far! Updates will vary depending on school and cheer but I will be sure to update atleast twice a week!

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