Chapter 27

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October 3rd, 2012


I was sitting on the ground backstage watching the dancers and Justin dance to the choreo, going through it for fun. It was just the guys this time, us girls sat around and watched. I knew most of the dances because I was there during the choreography and I’m an amazing visual learner.

They all huddled together and started whispering so that we couldn’t hear. I turned to the other dancers and gave them a questionable look. None of them knew what was going on either.

Justin turned around and strode towards us in a dance type way. The rest of the dancers followed along and surprisingly started serenading us. I just laughed and rolled my eyes at Justin. Damn, he was a good dancer.

“I can take you woah-oh-oh where you wanna go.” Justin sang to me.

I stood up and he twirled me around. I loved dancing with him; he was so good at it. Most of it, I should say. He wasn’t the best at ballroom dancing, but that’s pretty much it. We danced and danced until we were too tired to anymore. I sat down with the guys while the girls got up and stretched to practice. Everyone usually stretched about now, a few hours before the concert, and right before the concert.

I leaned against Justin and we watched the girls dance to ALAYLM first. Everyone looked so graceful, I wish I did. I hadn’t ever really tried dancing in such a manner, but I didn’t want to see what I’d look like either.


Everyone’s heads turned to see a girl on the floor, clutching her foot. We all rushed to her and crowded her in a commotion. Her boyfriend, another one of the dancers, bent down and tried helping her up.

“I can’t.” she cried. “It’s broken.”

Mine, and Justin’s eyes widened and I looked at him. He looked not only worried now, but confused. He was probably thinking about what he was going to do about the concert. He bowed his head and backed away from the scene as they carried the girl away. Oh great, now Justin was going to be upset about this.

“Yeah, she broke her foot. She won’t be able to go on stage tonight, can we go without her?” Justin spoke into the phone as he talked to Scooter on speaker phone.

“We can’t, we need her, we need another dancer. ASAP!” he frantically said.

“There isn’t anyone-“

“I’ll find someone.”

Scooter hung up the phone and we all sat around worried and scared. If Justin couldn’t find another dancer, he’d have to post-pone his tour for at least a few weeks. This wasn’t good…

“Justin maybe someone from the auditions can.” I suggested.

“There’s no way they’ll make it here in time.” He said in an upsetting tone.

I stared at Alfredo who was taping everything, even this conversation, and then his face lit up. I stared back at him and shook my head. Of course that was my first thought too, but I was not about to speak it. I knew that he was though, and I couldn’t stop it.

“(YN)! (YN) knows the dances, she can fill in.” Fredo yelled.

Justin immediately looked at me like I was an angel sent from heaven. I shook my head and stood up. There was no way that I could just jump in her spot and fill in… I couldn’t be in front of thousands of people and perform…

“Nope, I can’t do it. I’m sorry baby but I just can’t.” I said as I backed away a few feet.

“(YN) please babe, do this for me. I’ll have to postpone or even worse, cancel my tour and I can’t do that to the fans, we can’t do that-“

“FINE!” I breathed out. “I’ll do it. Just, don’t expect me to be amazing. Can we run through the dances?”

Nick, the dancer and choreographer, got up and assisted me right away. Justin sat back and watched as he ran through every single dance with me. There was so much to remember, and even though I knew it all, I felt like I’d mess up.

“You’re doing great!” Justin yelled for encouragement.

I just took deep breaths and continued on with each dance. It was even worse with being watched by Justin, Fredo, and 11 other dancers. But If I can do it in front of them, I can do it in front of the stadium, right? I hope so.

I paced the floors in Justin’s dressing room. We were all getting ready now and I was more nervous than ever. Not to mention that I had to do this for a few months to fill in for that girl, or until someone else can. This was going to be a long tour.

I was wearing a space suit and now that it hit me, this was real. I had to go out there… Oh god, I couldn’t do it. No, I had to do it. My mind was so jumbled that I couldn’t think straight anymore.

“You’ll do fine; just remember that all those girls are probably watching me.” Justin reassured me.

I kissed his lips before pulling away and taking more deep breaths. He always calmed me down in times like these; I couldn’t thank him enough for that.

I had to separate from Justin and now I was under the stage with the rest of the dancers. We were supposed to pop on these things called toasters. Well not literally, but that’s what everyone else called them. I practiced a few times earlier and it was way fun, I was just hoping that I wouldn’t mess up now.

I stood on the platform and everyone was giving me thumbs-ups. I’ll do fine, I told myself, everything will be fine.

We all listened to the countdown together and I closed my eyes for a few seconds. This was officially it. 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

I flew up in the air and back down I came towards the stage. I landed on my feet and I moved with grace as I began to dance. I tried to keep my head clear and not think about anything, but it was so hard with everything going on around me. I saw the screaming girls and the strobe lights and the other dancers and… Justin. His voice was so much better up close like this. It was so loud, but I could only hear him. I watched him and we did the same choreography that we had practiced before. I was doing great, just like Justin said I would.

Time seemed to fly by, and so did each song. And before I knew it, I was backstage changing into my next outfit for catching feelings. This one was my favorite that we had practiced. It was so simple and graceful with complicated moves that looked amazing.

Out there on stage it was even better. I got to be right next to Justin the whole time I was dancing and he was singing. It was the best feeling ever. And fans cheered and screamed, it was exhilarating.

I dropped to the ground just as we did to finish up the song in rehearsal and the crowd clapped and roared for Justin, and us. I breathed heavily as I stood up and took off for the back curtains. I was stopped by Justin’s voice calling out for me.

“Now let’s take another break and I’ll introduce you to the crew. Tonight, we have someone special up here on stage, and some of you may have noticed that (YN)’s up here tonight.”

I turned as he spoke my name and he was holding out a hand for me, gesturing for me to come back to him. I did just that and he hugged me tight before presenting me to the crowd.

“Can we get a round of applause for her?”

Everyone cheered and I laughed with tears in my eyes. It was so beautiful to look out at a crowd like this and know that all of their eyes were on you at that very moment.

“Earlier today one of my dancers broke her ankle and her foot so (YN) was brave and filled in. She just learned the full dances a few hours ago, did she do good?” the crowd roared again, “I think so too.”

Justin kissed my forehead before letting me go and I ran backstage. Wow, this night was getting more amazing by the minute.

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