Chapter 21

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Saturday, June 30th, 2012


My eyes followed each character as they flashed up on the screen. My eyes had been glued to this TV since we got home, I didn’t know how or what to do. Fredo had come over and he was cuddling with Ari on the other couch while I laid my head on Justin’s chest. Every time he opened his mouth, it was to say sorry to me. I really thought that he’d never stop.

I accepted his apology though, every single time. It never annoyed me. I loved that he really meant it, and I could tell that he did. We sat down and talked about it earlier, coming to a conclusion that it was both of our faults we got into a fight. If I would’ve just told Justin, everything would be fine, and if Justin would’ve just stopped being jealous, everything would be fine. So I apologized too. But everything was okay, everything was finally okay.

The movie we were watching ended and my eyes shot over to Ari who stood up and stretched, “Should we watch another?”

I sat up and took a deep breath. Now that everything was calm, I felt alright, but gradually I was getting better. Justin knew everything now and there was no need to keep anything from him again.

“Let’s do something today, instead of sit around and sulk.” I suggested to get our minds off of things.

Justin sat up quickly and put his arms around me. I was sitting between his legs with a blanket on me and I was comfortable but we were being lazy and I thought that maybe we should do something.

“Who’s up for In-&-Out and renting a bunch of movies?” I said raising my hand, everyone following after me. I laughed and stood up to stretch.

“Fredo and I can go, you guys can just stay here.” Ari said as she pulled him off of the couch. He just groaned and sat up and grabbed her. They were so cute together, honestly.

They left shortly after making our decision and I laid back down on top of Justin. He smiled at me as my hair fell beside his head. I pressed my lips against his for just a minute before pulling away.

Justin smiled weakly and looked nervously away, “(YN), I know we’ve been together for about 3 months now and all, but I’ve never said it, and now may not be the right time but I just have to- (YN) I love you.”

I bit my lip and breathed out, “I love you too Justin, and no matter what happens, I want you to know that. I’ve never stopped loving you.”

He smiled widely and just as I bent down to kiss him, my phone vibrated. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and sat up still on Justin. He laid there waiting patiently.

I saw a notification from Instagram from Ari. That was odd, but I still checked it anyways to see what was going on. It quickly loaded and I saw a picture of me and Justin sitting together at my mother’s grave. He held me in his arms and you couldn’t see that we were both crying, but I knew that we were. The caption was: This picture says so much. These two have the most complicated relationship that no one will ever begin to understand, but they love each other, and that’s a love that can’t be broken.

I looked up to see Justin checking his phone too. He smiled when he saw it too and seemed to be doing something with typing and tapping and stuff. I tried to look but he pulled away and said, “Just wait, you’ll see.”

When he was done, my phone vibrated once again and I checked it. Justin posted a picture of us together, the same picture that Ari posted with a different caption. Today was the best day of my life. I screwed up, and I’ll admit it, but she helped me fix my mistakes while I helped her stay strong. It was unforgettable, especially when she told me what I’d been waiting to here since we met.

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