𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘨𝘦? 𝘯𝘰. : 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘺

770 33 5

Wedding day

"Taehyun! Stop moving! Your makeup is going to get messed up and you won't be able to leave!" Yeonjun scolded the blonde, pushing him back down on the chair.

"Beomgyu! Help me with Taehyun!" Yeonjun called out to the brunette.

"I'm coming! Fuckㅡ! Stupid chair.." Beomgyu cursed, not happy about almost falling.

"Hyung! Are you almost done!" Taehyun whined, desperately wanting to get up from the chair he was sitting in.

"Uh- almost. Gyu! Bring the hair dryer and the curling iron please!" 

"Gotcha!" Beomgyu responded from the bathroom.

All three males were currently in a hotel room, they had stayed in it the night prior to get up on time and start preparing. They had left the three other males together at Taehyun and Hueningkai's house, letting then prepare themselves.


"I'm almost done Taehyun, i just need to do your hair and then you can change." Yeonjun mumbled, finishing with the eyeshadow. "It's just your lips now, hold on."

"Can you make them look like tanghulu?" Taehyun asked, shooting puppy eyes at the pink haired male.

Yeonjun put down his eyeshadow brushes, picking up a rosy lip tint color, "sure, now don't move." 

Beomgyu appeared from the bathroom, a hair dryer and a curling iron in his hands. "Sorry i took a while, i couldn't find the curling iron." 

"That okay.." Yeonjun mumbled, finishing applying the lip tint on Taehyun's lips. 

"Can you call one of them? Ask them if they're ready yet." Yeonjun said towards Beomgyu, "oh! And you can start changing if you want." 

Beomgyu nodded, heading back into the bathroom. 

Yeonjun turned back to Taehyun, "hyung?" 

"Yes?" Yeonjun asked, picking up a clear lip gloss. 

"I'm scared. I don't know how Beomgyu did this.." Taehyun chuckled.

Yeonjun started to apply the lip gloss on Taehyun's lips. "Everyone is a little different Tae. I wasn't here for Gyu's wedding because i was abroad for school but, he called me saying that he was, and i quote, "nervous as fuck." He cried while talking to me," Yeonjun mentioned. "Everyone reacts differently. Maybe you'll cry, or you won't." 

Yeonjun placed his makeup products down, plugging in the hair dryer into the outlet. 

Taehyun nodded, taking in a deep breathe. Yeonjun turned on the hair dryer and started to dry Taehyun's hair.

Once he finished he unplugged the dryer from the outlet, placing it on the bed next to them.

"I believe in you Taehyun. You're strong." Yeonjun noticed tears well up in the blonde's eyes, "-But don't start crying on me okay? Your makeup is going to get ruined." Yeonjun chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.


"Today's the day Huening, are you excited?" Soobin called out towards the younger.

"I'm nervously excited." Hueningkai chuckles nervously.

"I believe in you," Soobin pulls his arms over Hueningkai's shoulder, giving him a side hug. "Fix your tie." Soobin smiles, pulling away from the hug.

"Oh." Hueningkai hurriedly fixes his tie, "thank you hyung." 

"No problem. Now go get your hair done, unless you want Hyunjin to nag you." Soobin deadpanned.

"Yes sir!" 


"Hyung! Oh my- i don't know what- ugh!" 

"Taehyun! Stop. You're okay! Yeonjun hyung has talked to you already." Beomgyu stopped the blonde male from screaming his lungs out.

Taehyun stops in front of the brunette. Beomgyu places his hands on Taehyun's shoulders. "You look beautiful. Someone like you shouldn't worry about something like this." Beomgyu smiled a sincere smile. 

Beomgyu pulled the younger into a hug, the younger hugging back.

"Everything will be fine. You're getting married to someone you've been with since highschool, that rarely happens." Beomgyu joked, pulling away from the hug. 

"Thank you hyung.. You and Yeonjun hyung are the bestㅡ" 

"There's thirty minutes leftㅡ is Taehyun ready!?" Yeonjun burst through the door.

Both males turned to face their hyung.

"Oh myㅡ you look gorgeous, Taehyun.." 

The younger reddened, "thank you hyung." A small smile was placed on his face.

"But there's one piece missing," Yeonjun turned to face Beomgyu. "Give it on him." 

Beomgyu nodded, going to one of the suitcases amd pulling out a square box. 

Beomgyu walked back to where to the other two were. Once he was facing Taehyun, he opened the box, revealing a thing silver crown, beads and leaf designs surrounding it.

"This is my present to you Taehyunie, i hope you like it." Beomgyu smiled. He took the thin crown out of it's box, throwing the box else where. He gently placed the crown on Taehyun's head, resting nicely on the soft waves of his blonde hair.

Taehyun turned around to face the mirror, a smile on his face. "Thank you Gyu. I love it." He turned back around to Beomgyu, embracing him in a hug.


This book is reaching it's end, next chapter might be the last-



[edited may 4, 2021]

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