𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘳𝘢 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 : 𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘵

676 31 2

"Where are we going dad?" Yejun asked as he put his seatbelt on.

Kai turned to look at his son. "That's confidential." He smiled.

Yejun pouted his lips. Hueningkai laughed at Yejun's reaction.

"You'll see when we get there but first, we have to pick up appa from work, okay?"

Yejun hummed as a reply.

Hueningkai then started the car, driving after from Yejun's school.

Now the reason why they were leaving the school: Yejun had a dentist appointment and Kai had checked him out of school for the day.


"Yes Yeyu?"

"Can we get a dog?"

"A dog?"


"We already have Hobak, Yeyu and I don't think appa would agree with another pet."

"Can we get a lizard then!"


"Appa! Appa!" Yejun called towards Taehyun as he got in the car.

"Yes baby?"

Taehyun responded as he situated himself in the passenger seat.

"Can we get a pet porcupine!"

"What? Yejun, no."

"But dad said no lizards!"

"And I say no more pets. And don't give me that look, that doesn't work anymore."

Hueningkai chuckled at the interaction and started to drive.

"Why do you want another pet, Yeyu?" Hueningkai asked as he got on the road again. "Hobak is enough company for all of us."

"Hobak doesn't like me." He murmured, his lips in a pout and his arms crossed over his chest. "She's mean.."

"How about we get you a treat afterㅡ" Taehyun stopped himself, glancing at Kai who had shook his head in reply.

If you couldn't tell by now, Yejun doesn't like the dentist.

"We'll get you a treat okay?"

Yejun nodded happily at this. "Yes please!"


"Appa no!"

"Yejun stop it! They're just going to check your teeth.." Taehyun reasoned, trying to get Yejun to calm down.

"But it's scary!" Yejun cried, trying to pull away from Taehyun's grasp.

"Who's crying now?" Hueningkai asked as he walked up to his husband and son.

"Dad! I don't wanna go in there!" Yejun pouted and pointed towards the door behind them while tears streaming down his cheeks.

Hueningkai smiled sadly. "Look Yeyu, I'm going to tell you a story about someone that didnt like the dentist either."

Kai said and took one of Yejun's small hands in his larger one, he wrapped his other arm around Taehyun's waist and began walking inside the building.

"This person would always cry and yell whenever he was taken to the dentist too, he hated it although there was really nothing to be scared of."

Hueningkai sat on one of the chairs in the waiting area, seating Yejun on his lap and Taehyun walked to the front desk to sign Yejun in.

"The dentist would always say that he was a good boy throughout the procedures although you could hear him cry throughout."

Yejun sniffed, wiping his cheeks with his sleeves.

"As he grew older, he realized that there really was nothing to be scared of. He stopped crying and yelling. After every single one of his dentist appointments, his parents would get him a gift because of how well mannered he was throughout."

By now, Yejun's tears were gone and he was attentively listening.

"Want to know who be was?"

Yejun nodded and looked up at Hueningkai.

"It was your appa." Kai smiled and watched as Taehyun was walking their way.

Yejun beamed at this. "Really!?" He asked excitedly.

Hueningkai nodded.

"Appa! Appa!" Yejun called as Taehyun sat in the seat next to Hueningkai. "Did you like the dentist when you were little?"

"I hated it." Taehyun responded. "Did daddy tell you?"

Yejun nodded, a cute smile displayed on his face.


"That wasn't that bad was it?" Taehyun asked Yejun as they got into Hueningkai's car.

Yejun nodded, tears pooling in his eyes. He still didn't like the dentist.

"Don't worry Yeyu, you were a good boy. What would you like as a treat?" Hueningkai asked as he started up the car.

"Ice cream.."

"You heard our baby, Ning, he wants ice cream." Taehyun smiled.

"What our baby wants, our baby gets."

A small smile replaced Yejun's pout, maybe the dentist wasn't as bad as he thought.


I was going to publish this two days ago- i forgot about it until now :D

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I was going to publish this two days ago- i forgot about it until now :D

I wanted to get this up since i haven't updated any of my other books in a while and didnt want to leave anyone just waiting-

If any of you read any of my other books, updates will be up soon :)

Ily <3

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