[15] The Deadly Labyrinth

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I gained consciousness way later in the day and found Percy beside me, which was quite a surprise. Seemed like Mr. Crouch was unable to come and check the preparations so he must have sent Perce and that's the only reason I can pin to his presence.

"Kat, what's going on?" He addressed me, realizing that I had woken up, "the twins said you fainted at breakfast. Have you been eating and sleeping on time?"

The concern in his tone was rather sweet and as I tried to sit up, he gently took my hand and helped me up.

"I asked you a question," his eyes narrowed at me.

"Yeah, of course, I am eating and sleeping on time. There's nothing to worry about."

He did not seem convinced by the answer, "have you had another vision?"

I almost choked on the water I had taken a sip of from the glass placed on the table by my bed. I had not been expecting him to ask that.

"I take it as a yes," his brows knitted together in a thoughtful expression.

"How did you know?"

"I don't forget, Katerina," he replied, eyeing me wearily, "I remember you had a nightmare back when you were about to start school. Then on your fifteenth birthday, what you went through scared all of us. And even though I am not in school anymore to keep an eye on you every second, I get the feeling you've been having visions more often."

That was quite impressive. 

I had not been expecting him to remember at all. But then I shouldn't underestimate him so much. He was my brother too and of course, he cared for me, he had shown it more than thrice.

"You're right," I replied, shuddering at the image I had seen before fainting, "I have been getting visions and it drains me out."

"Have you talked to Professor Dumbledore about it?"

"No, should I?"

He nodded, "you should. He would know something that could help. Anyhow, I dropped by to check up on you but there are a lot of arrangements I have yet to take care of."

"No problem, you can leave whenever you want to," I smiled.

"Take care and don't get yourself in trouble," he stood up to leave, eyes flickering towards his watch, "and talk to Dumbledore. I know he'll help."

Now I hadn't thought about that earlier but he's right. The last time I had visions as bad as the one I had had recently, it ended up in a lot of trouble for us. So obviously, it would be better to prepare in time at least.

"I'll see you at the task, okay?" He ruffled my head and it was then I realized I hadn't asked him how long I had been passed out for.

"The task? What do you mean?"

"It's the third task," he replied, "wait, you've been unconscious for longer than the twins told me? Bloody idiots..."

"It's fine, Perce, I'm okay now."

He looked dubious but was getting late or else he would have called the twins right there to give them a lecture. "I've got to go. You don't have to come to the grounds if you don't feel well, I'll talk to Madam Pomfrey about it."

"Hey, I said I'm fine," I protested but he would hear none of it.

"You're stepping foot out of here only if Madam Pomfrey allows and exactly when she tells you to. Not a second before that, you hear me?"

I sighed, giving in to the annoyed elder brother look he had thrown my way, "fine... Weatherby."

His lips twitched slightly but he didn't get irritated at me calling him Weatherby. Instead, he left the hospital wing, leaving me to wonder whether I could sneak out before Madam Pomfrey came to check up on me.

Tough luck because he had sent her in right after.

Unfortunately, she did not give me permission to leave the infirmary so it was quite obvious that I would have to be stuck in the hospital wing while the others were out in the castle grounds, watching the third task.

I sighed, unwanted snippets of the nightmare flashing in my memory again.

Maybe it was better that I wasn't out there to see the events unfolding in the deadly labyrinth.



I felt convinced that the third task was a labyrinth but how I knew it was still a mystery.

But I did not want to pass out from any vision again so I tried hard to distract myself, forcing my own self not to think about whatever labyrinth it was.

No matter how hard I tried, the dreadful feeling in my heart increased.

Cedric was hit square in the chest by a curse, a spine-chilling evil cackle resonating in the air and the disturbing scent of death lingered around me.

"Stop... Stop... Stop it..." I held my head in my hands, squeezing my eyes shut.

Madam Pomfrey was beside me in a second, holding me as she asked what was happening to me.

If only I knew...

"Please call Professor Dumbledore," I requested, "before the task starts. Please... I have to tell him something urgently."

He arrived shortly after, blue eyes focused on me in concern, "Miss Weasley, is everything alright?"

I shook my head in a no and he took a seat beside my bed.

"What happened, child?"

"I had a vision again," I spoke up, my voice shaking slightly, "and it's terrible. If the task is not stopped now, it will only end up in chaos."

His brow furrowed in a thoughtful expression and he nodded, letting me resume with what I had to tell him.

I told Dumbledore about my vision, at least the few snippets I remembered, but luck wasn't in our favor as the task had already started and there was nothing that could be done to prevent it. The rules of the Triwizard Tournament couldn't be altered and once a task started, it was impossible to terminate it in the middle.

No matter what happens.

The fact that I was cooped up in the infirmary made me even more restless. It was almost like an explosion was about to go off and the seconds were ticking by while I watched helplessly.


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