As days passed, the urge to throw Umbridge in the Lake to be the squid's feast was intensifying. And if that doesn't finish her off, I would gladly like to see her stuck with an agitated Whomping Willow.
I really had to keep myself forcefully composed in front of her because heaven knows that woman is absolutely intolerable.
My fist was clenching and unclenching as I finished the Prefect round on my own. Quite soon, I was joined by the twins.
"She's banned all the Weasley Wizard Wheezes items," George mumbled in a low voice.
"I heard," I replied but was still preoccupied, thinking about all the possibilities to get rid of Dolores Insane Umbridge.
"It has affected our trade, you know. And we were almost in the last stage of experimenting with Doxy venom. But she raided our dorm and confiscated everything," Fred added.
"Who does she think she is to go about poling her nose in everyone's business?" I huffed though I knew my voice was louder than usual. But seriously I felt too agitated to keep myself in check then.
"Excuse me," a certain voice addressed me from behind, causing the lava building up inside me to smolder, "is there a problem, dear? I think I didn't quite hear you right about what you just said about me."
Well, it's time she hears it anyway.
"You have no right to go about raiding people's dormitories," I stated, my voice cold upon seeing her stand there with an annoying smile on her face.
"Ah but I am the Hogwarts High Inquisitor, as you very well may have come to terms with by now. And I consider it my duty to see that none of you are hoarding questionable material in your dorms."
I swear this woman would end up driving me insane. Even Snape isn't that bad as compared to her and that's a lot, coming from me.
"As you said, Professor, as High Inquisitor it is your job to keep an eye on things not to take authoritative action against it. You're not the Headmistress," my words were cutting through her and I knew that very well, "this is still Headmaster Dumbledore's school and you are only abusing the authority you have been assigned with."
"Pray do tell how am I abusing authority?"
I could see her losing her calm as well. But it's about time I take a stand for every one of us who has been suffering from her pointless decrees.
I am the Head Girl after all and the students are a priority to me.
"For instance, you have banned all student gatherings of more than three people which is ridiculous," I began to list down her decrees, "some of those gatherings were study clubs and you have also affected the Quidditch practice routines. You raided the Gryffindor dorms last night and even though I understand why you confiscated stuff from my brothers, I don't think it was very professional of you to threaten the students with horrible consequences in case they were found hoarding this questionable material. Plus, we all know what goes on in the detentions you give. If that's not an abuse of power, I don't know how else to explain it to you."
Her face had turned redder with anger and looked as if it would pop if I punctured it with a needle. No wonder she was getting angry because by then quite a crowd had formed in the Great Hall, witnessing the scene.
"You are not worthy of being Head Girl with the complete disregard you have for the decrees as well as the faculty," she stated, trying to calm herself down, "you should be removed from the post right this instant!"
"You are not the Headmistress, Professor," on the other hand, I was surprisingly calm to see her getting agitated, "besides I also don't think you are worthy of your post but just our opinions regarding each other can't change anything."
Really? I believe we're the ones who have had enough of her and her awful decrees.
She was glaring at me and by then, I could sense that the twins wanted me to stop with whatever I was thinking of doing and just leave. Because seeing her like that was proof that something terrible was going to happen.
But I have come this far, there's no backing off now.
"Miss Weasley, I want to see you in my office right now," she glared at me, speaking through gritted teeth.
"I am sorry Professor but I am in no mood for another detention nor a lecture on your revolutionized methods of teaching."
I had turned to leave but seemed like she wasn't ready to let me go that easily.
"Miss Weasley, I am warning you that on another attempt of you breaking the education decrees, I will..."
I halted and turned to face her again, "you will what? Expel me. Please do. I would rather be expelled than stay here and be governed by your educational decrees. And even then, you are not the Headmistress. You can not expel me."
I bet that me reminding her that she's not the Headmistress is taking a dig too deep for her to ignore.
She brandished her wand, "Crucio!"
Pain shot up my body as the jet of red light struck me. It was as if someone was slicing me up internally and right then, I could feel why exactly was it called the torture curse. Surprisingly though, it didn't feel like it was the first time I had suffered this curse and the thought was quite alarming.
All the people present looked agape as she used the Unforgiveable curse without a second thought.
"But it's illegal!" I could hear Hermione faintly telling her to stop and the twins trying to help me up, all the while shouting at Umbridge.
"Someone get Professor McGonagall!" Another voice from the students came yet the curse hadn't stopped and the pain was enough to drown everything else.
"Do you want me to withdraw the curse, dear?" She asked, smiling as if the entire scene was rather amusing to her.
"No," it was hard to speak since the pain was getting unbearable but I truly did not want to give her the satisfaction of seeing me beg her to stop.
There was quite a lot of chagrin as the teachers gathered and someone might have called Professor McGonagall because the curse was eventually withdrawn.
I sank down to my knees and my eyes were falling shut from exhaustion.
"Kat, hey, look at us," the twins were beside me but everything seemed to be fading into darkness.
Professor McGonagall's angered voice was the last I heard as she was probably reprimanding Umbridge for using an Unforgiveable curse on a student, then everything else extinguished.

Through The Veil「 The Veil Trilogy Part Ⅱ 」✔
أدب الهواةBook Ⅱ of The Veil Trilogy. Katerina Weasley is back for her sixth year at Hogwarts. Her previous years at the wizarding school have been far from ordinary yet this year, the Triwizard Tournament is waiting to make things even more exciting. Plus, t...