[20] Awkward Scenarios

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He filled the saucepan with milk and put it on the stove but I spoke up, "hey, it's not that big a deal. I just came for Ginny."

A smirk was visible on his face, "I was making it anyway. Allow me to treat you with the best hot cocoa I can manage."

I was surprised that Sirius knew how to cook things since I had always thought of him as a person who would set fire to the kitchen even if he stepped one foot in.

He chuckled as if he had read the look on my face, "James's mother taught me how to brew coffee and cocoa alike. And since then, it has been my specialty."

I couldn't help but sigh in relief at his laughter. He had been deprived of it for so long and he didn't even deserve to be treated as such.

I shuddered at the thought of him in Azkaban. I couldn't ever get rid of those images from my mind.

"Feeling cold?"

His voice made me snap back to reality and I shook my head in a no.

"Moony loved hot cocoa," he resumed and I could notice a ghost of a smile playing upon his lips as he recalled those happy days, "whenever he got offended with me (which happened very often), I used to cheer him up by making him some hot chocolate." He stirred the mixture and poured in the chocolate. "I doubt it though that he deliberately got cross with me so he could get his treat."

Yeah, I could totally imagine. Moony could do anything for chocolate.

He poured the frothy chocolate in the mugs and placed it on the counter. I took it and mumbled a low thank you.

It felt a bit awkward meeting after so long in entirely different conditions...

"So... You're a Weasley?" Sirius asked but it seemed more like a statement.

"Yeah, sort of," I replied.

He raised an eyebrow quizzically, "sort of?"

Yup, that needed a bit of explaining. "Technically I'm adopted. It's been two years since I started living with them."

He seemed curious, "interesting."

We kept silent for a little while as I didn't know what to say and maybe he was contemplating the next statement in his mind.

"The hot chocolate was delicious though." In no time I had finished it up, "you sure know how to brew cocoa."

He smiled, "my pleasure."

It felt quite awkward talking to him like that; so formal and straightforward. It was twice better in the past when we talked like friends but now there seemed to be a wall of formality and awkwardness suspended between us.

"You haven't changed a lot, you know," he remarked all of a sudden.

Of course, it had been more than fifteen years for him while just two years had passed for me.

I replied, "meddling with time is usually very confusing."

He was still observing me, "and is this the first time you're seeing me after your time travel?"

I shook my head, "no, not exactly. I had seen your picture in the Daily Prophet and then that night when you nearly caught that rat and he escaped."

His eyes widened in disbelief, "you... You were there?"

I nodded, "yes, I was. I didn't go inside the Whomping Willow because I had given Moony my word. He feared things would get dangerous so he made me promise to stay out of it."

He spoke up, "wait, Moony knew about you?"

Stupid question to ask, frankly.

"Of course. I study at Hogwarts, Sirius. Moony used to be our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

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