[07] The Unexpected Champion

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It was finally the day for the Triwizard Champions to be announced. Us students were seated at our respective house tables and the Feast though laid out in front of us had not yet begun, as all of us were eagerly waiting for the names to be chosen by the Goblet of Fire. 

And yes, Fred and George were finally back to their normal selves as Madam Pomfrey had reversed the effect of the Ageing potion. Though the two couldn't stop talking about the incident.

"Reckon that's what we would have looked like fifty years from now if we somehow lost the ability to cut off our hair," Fred remarked, nudging George's shoulder, "old and hairy, disgusting."

"Though you can't deny it, I was still better looking than you even in the old and hairy form," he replied, "I always will be, Freddie."

"You won't look exactly like that," I spoke up, "because the potion made you grow old instantly. Maybe when the time comes you won't have such dreadfully untrimmed hair."

"Amen," both of them raised their goblets filled with pumpkin juice and downed it in one gulp.

"You looked like mini Dumbledores to be honest," Angelina remarked as she turned towards us, she had placed her name in the Goblet so she too was quite excited for the inevitable moment.

Fred's face lit up with a wide grin, "oi Johnson, getting queasy about the selection, are you?"

"A little, yes," she admitted honestly.

George shrugged, "though we sincerely hope you don't get selected."

Surprise crossed her features, "and why is that so, Weasley?"

"Because it would be such a shame if we had to forfeit a brilliant Chaser like you to the Triwizard Tournament," Fred added.

"Yes, we don't want you to die so soon, Johnson. We have to win next year's Quidditch Cup and that won't be possible without you."

These two can be really sweet at times and I could see that their remark had made Angelina smile as well, "let us just hope for the best."

"Of course," I raised my glass that once and so did the others at our table in order to toast the moment.

Shortly afterwards, Headmaster Dumbledore stood up and silence fell over the Hall as he approached the Goblet of Fire. Everyone knew the moment had come for the announcement and we all straightened in our seats, brimming with excitement.

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for; the Champion Selection!" Dumbledore's voice echoed through the Great Hall.

The bluish fire sprouting from the Goblet turned red as a piece of parchment flew out of it which the Headmaster caught in between his fingers.

"The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum."

Cheers erupted from the Durmstrang table as Krum made his way to Dumbledore, shaking his hand as the Headmaster congratulated him and sent him to the a room descending from the hall where the champions were supposed to wait.

The fire turned red again as another parchment piece shot up. "The Champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour."

Fleur Delacour was a quarter Veela and extremely stunning such that she had captured the hearts of almost all the male population at Hogwarts, thankfully distracting Roger Davies from me entirely. There were cheers for her as well as she joined Krum in the Champions room.

And then it was time for the Hogwarts Champion. I squeezed Angelina's hand in assurance and she smiled back at me, her nervousness showing slightly.

"The Hogwarts Champion," Dumbledore caught the parchment that flew out of the Goblet, "Cedric Diggory!"

All of us clapped enthusiastically for him as he too joined the other Champions. A look of pure relief spread on Angelina's face as the twins gave her high fives each, "congratulations, Johnson, you are safe. The next Quidditch Cup must be ours!"

"Excellent," Dumbledore turned to face the audience, "we now have our three Champions but in the end only one will go down in history, only one will hoist this Chalice of Champions. This vessel of victory... The Triwizard Cup!"

The covering was lifted off the cup placed own by Barty Crouch and a magnificent crystal cup was revealed followed by enthusiastic applause from all the students present. 

However, the Goblet seemed to have gone bonkers and Dumbledore paused turning towards it in alarm. The blue fire turned red again and another piece of parchment shot up from it and Dumbledore caught it between his fingers, a grave look spreading on his face as he read the name.

"Harry Potter... Harry Potter!"

We were all surprised by the name called out and I looked over at Harry who seemed equally flabbergasted. How could Harry's name come out of the Goblet when he had surely not put it inside himself? In fact, he could not do so, judging by my own brother's experience. It wasn't easy to trick Dumbledore's Age line.

Harry hesitated but Hermione pushed him out and the poor boy approached Dumbledore reluctantly, his face clouded with uncertainty.

Dumbledore handed him the parchment and gestured him to join the Champions much to our surprise. My gaze flickered towards Snape who was eyeing Harry suspiciously while McGonagall was the only one who slightly gripped his shoulder in reassurance as he passed her.

Students had begun to whisper among themselves, "he's a cheat. He's not even seventeen yet."

And as Harry disappeared into the room soon after the rest of the teachers followed as well. Madame Maxime was complaining about Harry's selection and Hagrid seemed quite upset. Silence gripped the Hall and we had no idea whether we should resume with the feast or not.

"Guess not everyone's as lucky as Johnson," Fred mumbled and I heard him clear as he was sitting on my right.

George from my left added, "sometimes I can't decide whether Harry has a brilliant luck or a terrible one."

"A terrible one," I remarked knowing that the poor kid was in for a lot of danger, "he attracts trouble with twice more intensity than I do."

"Spoken like a true trouble magnet," the two mumbled with a slight chuckle before filling their plates food.

Turning to the rest of the students, the twins spoke up, "what are you all waiting for? The feast would get cold, folks."

The rest of the students complied with the twins as they filled up their plates and began eating. I had no idea what was going down in the Champions room but the twins were right, we had to focus on the dinner at the moment or else it would go cold and it would be a disgrace to waste such a brilliant feast.

Though I do hope Harry doesn't come to any harm and survives the tournament. His life as the Chosen One was already much difficult and now the weight of being selected as a Champion and getting suspected of cheating was definitely going to make it worse.


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