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A/N: This is the smut chapter so if you're uncomfortable with smut the fluff chapter is next so you can just skip down. This is my first time writing smut and I don't know how well it's going to turn out but I'm going to try my best. The artist of this fan art is Viria I'm not sure what platform it's from but I hope she is having an amazing day because her art is beautiful. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter ❤.

No One's POV:

"Ha I win again!" Shoyo said standing up and doing the little victory dance that he made up. "Yeah yeah." Kenma replied smiling at his husband. Little did Shoyo know his controller was off and Kenma was the one actually playing the game. He felt kind of bad tricking his husband however it was too funny for him to feel too bad.

Kenma watched fondly as his husband did his little dance for a few minutes before looking at the time. "Sho we should probably go to bed now it's getting pretty late." Kenma said pulling his husband down so he was now sitting on his lap. "But Kenma I want to play again are you scared I'm going to beat you." Shoyo said smirking down at his husband. "Oh yeah I'm shaking in my boots." Kenma said smirking right back.

Shoyo blushed a little due to how hot his husband looked at that moment with his pudding hair up in a bun and a playful smirk resting on his face. Kenma noticed his husband's reaction right away and his smirk grew larger. Kenma seductively slid his hands down Shoyo's back and gently rested them on his ass. "What's wrong baby?" Shoyo was as red as a tomato now.

"N-nothing." Shoyo could feel his little buddy growing and uneasily shifted from side to side causing Kenma to grunt since Shoyo was still on his lap. Kenma looked down and noticed his husband's little "problem." Kenma took one hand from his husband's ass and rested it on his bulge slowly caressing it with his thumb. "Did you get turned on just from my voice love?"

Shoyo hid his face in the crook of his husband's neck and nodded. "You're so cute." Kenma said before moving Shoyo's shirt a little bit to kiss his shoulder. Shoyo shivered a little from the touch. "Someones sensitive today." Kenma said standing up with his husband in his arms.

He gently laid Shoyo on their shared bed and began kissing along his neck. Shoyo let out whines of pleasure along with the occasional moan urging Kenma to go further. Kenma grabbed the hem of Shoyo's sweatpants but stopped himself from pulling them down. He looked at his husband's blushing face and waited for a nod of approval which he quickly got.

Kenma pulled the pants slightly down just enough to see Shoyo's tan thighs. He began kissing and sucking on them leaving hickeys every now and then. Shoyo loved the feeling but was ready for more. "Kenma~ I'm ready." Kenma lifted himself up to look down at his needy husband. "Such an impatient little thing."

Kenma locked lips with the smaller his tongue exploring the hot cavern as his hands roamed over his husband's lean but fit body. His hand eventually made it to the waistline of both Shoyo's sweats and boxers and quickly pulled them down. Kenma eventually pulled away from the kiss a string of saliva connecting him to his husband. Shoyo tugged on the bottom of Kenma's hoodie with a pleading face indicating that he wanted the clothing item off. Kenma complied to his husband's wishes taking his hoodie off along with taking his hair out of the bun considering the fact that Shoyo had the tendency to pull his hair whenever they had passionate moments.

He leaned over to the bed side dresser taking out a small bottle of lube and a condom. He grabbed the bottle of lube and poured the gel like substance onto his fingers. Rubbing his fingers together to warm the gel he looked down at his lover. "I'm going to prep you now okay sho?" Kenma said sounding a bit nervous since he was always scared of hurting his little sunshine. Shoyo nodded giving his husband a reassuring smile.

That smile was enough to make Kenma's worries dissipate and let his lust take over. He placed his finger on Shoyo's hole before slowly pushing inside. Shoyo's hands gripped onto the blankets as he let out a low moan. Kenma pumped his finger slowly curling it every now and then before adding a second. He was going to add a third but Shoyo stopped him. "P-please put it in already I'm going crazy." The orange haired male whined with a face full of lust.

Kenma removed his fingers and wiped them off with a tissue that was sitting on the bed side table. He then took off his own sweats (he wasn't wearing boxers) and placed the condom on his member, covering it with lube before getting in position. "Prepare yourself love." Kenma said kissing Shoyo's forehead before slowly entering the orange haired male.

"W-wait!" Kenma stopped immediately and looked at his husband his face full of concern. "What's wrong does it hurt?" Kenma asked prepared to pull back out. "No no I just want you to hold my hands while you do it." Shoyo said shyly looking to the side of the room. Kenma couldn't believe how cute his husband was how did he get so lucky. "Of course baby." Kenma said interlacing his hands with shoyo's. "Okay you can keep going now." Shoyo replied giving his husband a smile. Kenma nodded and resumed pushing inside until he bottomed out.

Kenma waited until he got the nod of approval to move from Shoyo before pulling out until the tip and thrusting back in. Shoyo let out a loud moan of Kenma's name along with a few curse words as Kenma continued to slam inside of him. Shoyo felt nothing but pleasure as his husband thrusted deeply inside him hitting all of his most sensitive spots. Kenma lowered his head next to Shoyo's ear, he knew how much Shoyo loved hearing his grunts and moans of his name.

Kenma began thrusting faster causing Shoyo to release one of Kenma's hands and latch onto his hair. Kenma used his newly freed hand to quickly pump Shoyo's member so he would feel double the pleasure. Shoyo's back arched as he felt that familiar warm feeling in his stomach. Kenma noticed and quickly held onto the base of Shoyo's member keeping him from releasing. Shoyo whined and looked up at his husband "why I was almost there?!" Kenma smirked at his whiny little baby before once again attaching their lips in a heated make out session.

Shoyo moaned into the kiss as Kenma's member brushed against his prostate causing a wave of electricity to go through his body. Kenma began feeling  heat in his bottom region showing that he was close to release and began quickly pumping Shoyo's member once again. Shoyo unlatched himself from the kiss to catch his breath. He again felt the warmness in his stomach and began scratching at Kenma's back in pleasure. There was drool running down his bottom lip and his face was a crimson red his eyes nearly rolling into the back of his head. Just the sight of it made Kenma release inside of the condom Shoyo cumming on his and Kenma's stomach a few seconds later.

Kenma nearly collapsed onto the smaller since he was never one for physical activity. Shoyo was also extremely exhausted and was fighting to keep his eyes open. Kenma noticed and gave his husband a quick forehead kiss."You did so good today Sho go to sleep and I'll clean you up." Shoyo gave Kenma a tired smile, "I love you Kenma." Kenma gave him a quick peck on the lips "I love you too Sunshine."

A/N: Hey God it's me again 🛐. So uh kind of can't believe I just wrote that it literally took me years to write this chapter because I kept restarting. Fun fact I finished this chapter in my Algebra 2 class 😃. I hope you guys like it it's not the best but that's all you're getting from me. Anyways I'm going to go commit Hannah Baker stay swaggy y'all 😎.

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