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A/N: The gif is from tenor. com and as always welcome to another chapter. Chapter five to be exact.
No One's Pov:

Jealousy is a terrible emotion to experience. A lot of people say it's a disease and you should try to avoid catching it but how is Kenma supposed to avoid this disease if there is a Kageyama Tobio all up on his man. He knew letting Shoyo practice with this bastard was a bad idea.

Kenma understands that they have a close relationship and met before highschool started but that doesn't make it any easier to watch his husband being touchy with someone else. Shoyo didn't seem to notice his husband's discomfort as he was too busy catching up with his old setter.

Kenma tried to distract himself from the burning jealousy within him by playing on his PSP but then he heard his husband say something along the lines of "oi Bakageyama put me down" which obviously peaked his interest.

He looked up only to see his husband being hoisted up by that raven haired bastard but that's not what made Kenma angry. It was the fact that his hands were resting on his little sunshine's ass. The infuriated male quickly went over to the two and took his husband out of the bastard's arms.

"Don't fucking touch him." Kenma's voice was monotone and calm making him even more intimidating than he usually was when angry. "K-kenma?" Shoyo was scared he's never seen his lover like this, he's always been kind and quiet towards other people.

"What's your problem pudding head." Kageyama yelled getting closer to Kenma. Shoyo felt like they were going to start fighting so he decided to defuse the situation. "K-kenma why don't we go home I'm sure Akemi misses us." The orange haired male said getting in between the two setters.

However the attempt was unsuccessful and they continued their argument. "My problem is you were touching MY husband in a place only I should touch." Kenma couldn't believe this guy who does he think he is? "He was mine before he was yours." Kageyama replied while pushing Kenma back aggressively. Shoyo was confused by the statement since he had no prior relationships to his and Kenma's.

"He wasn't anyone's before he got with me." Kenma yelled pushing Kageyama back as well. Kageyama threw a punch but Shoyo being as fast as he is got in front of the flying fist before it could hit his husband. The little orange haired male's hand quickly went to his face once the punch landed. He didn't really expect it to hurt this bad.

"Shoyo!" The two taller males yelled in unison before bending down to check on him. "Let me see sunshine." Kenma demanded gently. He grabbed his lover's hand and moved it to the side. The bruise hadn't formed yet but by the reddening on the small male's cheek he could tell it was going to be pretty large.

"Shoyo I'm so sorry I didn't mean-" Kageyama was interrupted by Kenma putting his hand up in a stop motion. "Dont worry love we're going home right now to cuddle with Akemi and watch any movie you want how does that sound?"

Once Kenma saw his husband nod he picked him up and carried him to their car. Before the ombre haired male   could put him in his seat Shoyo waved goodbye to Kageyama. How could he not the setter was still one of his best friends. The two finally got in their seats and drove away leaving a raven haired male behind to wallow in guilt.

~Time Skip~

The married couple had finally made it back to their house and were now cuddling on their couch and watching The Lion King. Shoyo had to hold an ice pack on his cheek so the swelling would go down faster. Kenma was feeling extremely guilty seeing his sunshine hurt because he was trying to protect him.

"Shoyo I'm sorry I should have handled my jealousy and the situation better maybe you wouldn't have gotten hurt." Shoyo could tell how bad his husband felt and decided to try make him feel better. He gently climbed onto his husband's lap and began kissing his neck. "S-shoyo what are you doing?" He ignored his lover's question and began sucking hickeys onto his collarbones.

"Shoyo you're hurt right now." Kenma said softly trying to hold back his grunts of pleasure since his sexy husband was sucking on his sweet spot. Shoyo grabbed both of Kenma's cheeks and lifted his head so he could see his eyes.

"Kenma what is my last name?" The taller was confused by the question but answered anyway. "Kozume." The smaller nodded. "And what is your last name?" Kenma wasn't sure where this was going but answered once again. "Kozume." Shoyo nodded again. "And why do we have the same last name?"

"Because we're married." Kenma answered looking directly in the other's eyes. "And why are we married?" The gamer gently brought his hand up to pet his husband's hair before answering. "Because we're in love." Shoyo smiled.

"That's right I married you because I love you I'm only yours and you're only mine so don't feel jealous because at the end of the day I'm all yours." Kenma smiled at his husband before bringing him into a slow and passionate kiss. The two eventually broke away panting for air while they rested their foreheads against each others.

"Could you say it again?" Kenma asked quietly. "Say what?" Shoyo replied back confused. "That you're mine." Kenma blushed slightly.
"I'm yours."
A/N: I think this chapter is actually kind of cute but anyway thank you so much for reading.

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