The In-laws

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A/N: The gif is from Gfycat. Welcome to chapter seven.

No One's Pov:

This is not how Shoyo expected this day to go. He just wanted to have a nice dinner with his husband and volleyball parents but luck didn't seem to be on his side. The orange haired male watched in horror as the lasagna he just took out of the oven slid down his ex-captain's face.

Everyone at the table stared in shock. Daichi quickly got up causing the remaining lasagna to splatter all over the floor. The former captain hurriedly ran to the kitchen sink and washed the extremely hot lasagna off of his face.

Shoyo bowed his head in apology. "I'm so sorry Daichi San I didn't see Akemi laying there and tripped over him I will do anything to make it up to you." Daichi turned around and ruffled his 'son's' hair. "Don't worry Shoyo this kind of stuff happens all the time. You have no idea how many times Suga has spilled or dropped something on me." Daichi replied smirking at his embarrassed husband.

"I really don't mean to." Suga said still blushing from the embarrassment of being called out. "Would you like a new shirt Daichi San? I'm sure one of Kenma's would fit you. Well, enough for you to put it on it might be a little tight." Shoyo asked scratching his nose. "Yes please." Daichi replied going back to his seat since Kenma had already cleaned up the lasagna while they were talking. "Right on it!" Shoyo exclaimed doing a military salute before running to his bedroom to grab one of his lover's shirts.

Everyone at the table was silent it was quite awkward without Shoyo around to get rid of the silence. The jumpy ray of sunshine speedily came back into the kitchen and handed the shirt to Daichi. "You know where the bathroom is right?" Shoyo asked tilting his head to the side. Kenma just wanted to kiss his face all over for being so cute. "Yeah it's the door at the end of the hallway right?" Shoyo nodded and Daichi walked to the bathroom to change.

Shoyo sat down next to his husband who held his hand as soon as he was fully seated. "Sorry for ruining dinner guys." The tangerine haired boy looked down at the table. "It's fine sweetheart we can just go out to eat." Suga gave the younger a soft smile. "Yeah don't worry about it." Kenma replied kissing his husband's cheek. Daichi finally came out of the bathroom and sat down next to his husband.

~Time Skip~

The two couples decided to go out and eat since they didn't really feel like eating lasagna off the floor. So here the four were sitting at a small table in the back corner of a Kitcho (It's a very famous Japanese restaurant). "So Shoyo how was the honeymoon hm?" Suga asked with a taunting smirk. Shoyo turned a deep shade of red remembering his and Kenma's honeymoon. "I-it was great." Kenma smirked slightly at his husband's response.

Suga was about to ask another embarrassing question but luckily for the orange haired male the waiter interrupted him. The group gave the waiter their orders and went back to conversing. "Kenma your company is working on a new game right? When does it release?" Daichi asked while playing with his husband's hair. "Yes it comes out next week." Shoyo smiled lovingly at his husband. He was so proud of him.

The waiter brought out their food and they all dug in. "This food is so delicious I was starving!" Shoyo exclaimed stuffing some ramen in his mouth. "Suga try this." Suga took a bite of the food Daichi was holding out for him. "Wow that tastes great! Can I have more?" Suga asked looking at his lover. Daichi couldn't say no to his husband seems like him and Kenma have that in common. Daichi put some of the food on his husband's plate before going back to eating.

After the couples finished eating they decided to go to a bar and have a few drinks. That probably wasn't the best idea because both Daichi and Suga are lightweights.

Shoyo was running around the bar trying to catch a drunk Suga who apparently thought they were playing tag. "You'll never catch me Shoyo!" The tired orange haired male sighed before continuing to chase his drunk 'mother.' Kenma was in the same predicament except he was trying to stop Daichi, who was currently dancing on the bar.

Eventually Daichi's bar top dancing caused the group to get kicked out. Shoyo couldn't lie it was pretty amusing watching the giant security guards chase Suga around the club. Kenma helped put the two drunkards in the backseat of their car before getting in the driver's seat. "Should we take them home or have them stay in our guest bedroom?" Kenma asked his exhausted husband.

"Let's put them in the guest room I don't trust them by themselves right now." Kenma nodded and started his drive to their house. The two drunks in the back were too busy flirting to pay attention to the sober couple's conversation. "You're hot." Suga said seductively sliding his finger down Daichi's chest. "You're not so bad yourself I could just eat you up right here." Shoyo was very disturbed hearing his 'parents' talk like that in his presence.

~Time Skip~

The group finally returned to the Kozume household. It took a while to get inside however because Kenma and Shoyo were struggling pulling the two love birds apart who were too busy making out in their backseat. Daichi's shirt was already off which made Shoyo fear for what the two would've done if they hadn't pulled them apart.

Kenma and Shoyo were successful in putting the older couple to bed and were now fast asleep in their own room.

The next morning Daichi and Suga apologized over and over again for how they acted when drunk. Shoyo told them it was fine even though their flirting would probably haunt him for the next few weeks. After the older couple was gone the Kozumes decided to get drunk since they couldn't yesterday. Let's just say they had a crazy day.
A/N: I live for drunk Daichi and Suga they're so chaotic. Thank you so much for reading I love you guys.

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