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A/N: The fan art was made by somebody called Johanna The Mad I don't know what social media you can find them on but this fan art they made is really cute. Welcome to chapter six. I'm not really sure why I say welcome all the time but whatever.
No One's Pov:

Babies are a subject Shoyo and Kenma are not very well educated on. The only reference they have to go on is Shoyo's little experience in taking care of his little sister. Hopefully that would be enough because today Shoyo agreed to babysit Tanaka and Kiyoko's baby.

The two males were running around baby proofing every part of their house while Akemi sat back and watched. "Shoyo I need another outlet plug." Shoyo quickly grabbed a plug from it's bag and threw it to his husband who caught it quite skillfully since he too had a background in volleyball.

Once the two felt the house was baby proofed enough they decided to relax on the couch but as soon as they sat down the doorbell rang. The two looked at each other both having a nervous expression on their face. Shoyo quickly went to the door and opened it.

"Hinata good to see you thanks so much for agreeing to take care of little Emiko your senpai hasn't had peace and quiet for months I was starting to think I was going to go crazy." Tanaka quickly said almost too fast for Shoyo to understand.

"His last name is Kozume now Ryu we went to their wedding remember?" Kiyoko asked looking at her husband. "Oh yeah sorry forceful habit." Tanaka said rubbing the back of his neck. "It's fine you can call me whatever you want Senpai." Shoyo replied smiling widely. Kenma suddenly came up next to his husband and placed his arm around his thin waist.

"Ah Kenma I hope you're taking good care of Karasuno's little giant." Tanaka said putting on his delinquent face. Kenma was kind of scared but replied anyways. "Yes Senpai I will always take good care of him." Shoyo blushed hearing his husband's words. "Good because if you don't I'll beat your ass city (shitty) boy."

Kiyoko rolled her eyes before grabbing her husband's arm. "That's enough out of you. Anyway thank you guys again we've really been needing a break." Shoyo smiled. "It's really no problem at all we'll take good care of your little angel."

Kiyoko quickly handed the baby bag to Kenma before handing the baby filled car seat to Shoyo. "Call us if there are any problems we'll be back around eight at night. Kiyoko and Tanaka both kissed their baby's forehead before rushing to their car ecstatic for some relaxation time.

Kenma and Shoyo brought the baby and her stuff into the living room and sat them down. "So what do we do now baby expert?" Kenma asked his lover who was too busy staring at the little baby sleeping in front of him. "Kenma look she's so cute look at her little feet and hands she even has a tiny little bow I think I'm going to die from cuteness."

Kenma smiled fondly at his husband while he cooed over the sleeping baby. "Shoyo come cuddle on the couch while we wait for the baby to wake up." The taller male suggested whilst patting the seat next to him. The orange haired male nodded sitting next to his lover and resting his head on his shoulder. The two males eventually fell asleep only to be woken up by a baby's cry.

Shoyo adjusted to his surroundings before going to check on the baby. "Hi little Emiko welcome to uncle Kenma and Shoyo's house. Are you hungry?" Shoyo got the baby out of her seat with little struggle and laid her on the blanket Kenma had laid out on the ground earlier.

"Would you like your bottle or some baby food?" Shoyo asked the baby like she could understand him. "Okay I'll try the bottle first." Shoyo sat on the blanket and held the baby in his arms. He put the bottle up to the baby's lips and waited for her to latch on. Once she did the crying ceased. "Look at uncle Shoyo go." Kenma said kissing his husband's head. "I guess I am pretty good at this huh?" Shoyo replied with a confident smile.

A few minutes later the baby was done with her bottle and was ready to be burped. "I think it's uncle Kenma's turn with the baby." Shoyo waited for Kenma to sit down which he did reluctantly due to his nerves and fear of hurting the baby. The orange haired uncle handed the baby to his clueless lover after showing him how to hold her properly when burping.

Kenma carefully bounced the baby while patting her back just like how Shoyo showed him. The baby finally burped but Kenma felt liquid on his shirt. "What is that?" Kenma asked scared that he might of hurt the baby. Shoyo was trying his best to hold in his laughter. "I think she threw up on you." Shoyo said acting confused even though he knew exactly what was going to happen and gave her to Kenma for that exact reason.

"I see, can you take her I have to go change my shirt." Shoyo nodded and took the baby from him. Once Shoyo knew Kenma was gone he picked up the baby's little hand and gave it a high five. "Good job Emiko we got him good."  Shoyo laid the baby down on the blanket once again so she could play with her toys.

Kenma came back in a fresh shirt causing the mischievous orange haired uncle to giggle quietly. "Kenma isn't she adorable." Shoyo asked making grabby hands towards his husband since he wanted a hug. "When she's not throwing up on you yeah." Kenma said hugging his slightly shorter husband. Shoyo giggled once again.

~Time Skip~

Eight o' clock rolled around pretty fast and the two now relaxed parents came to pick up their daughter. Kenma quickly packed her stuff while Shoyo got her set up in her car seat. The two brought the baby and her stuff to her parents who were waiting at the front door.

"Thank you guys so much we really enjoyed ourselves sorry if she caused you two any inconvenience." Kiyoko said while resting her head on her husband's shoulder. "It was really no problem we had a great time right Kenma?" Shoyo asked looking at his husband. "Right, it was great having her around if you guys ever need a break again just call us." Kenma bowed Tanka and Kiyoko bowed as well.

"Well we'll be off Emiko say bye to your uncles." Kiyoko said holding the car seat out so the two could say bye. "Bye Emiko we'll miss you come back again soon so we can prank your uncle Kenma again." Shoyo said whispering the last part so his lover couldn't hear. "Bye Emiko" Shoyo watched as Kenma very gently kissed the baby's head making his heart beat faster and mind race with thoughts of them having their own baby.

Tanaka and Kiyoko waved bye before getting in their car and driving off. The tired babysitters decided to rest on the couch and watch a movie. But Shoyo couldn't get the thoughts of babies out of his head. "Kenma?" Shoyo called out resting his head on his lover's chest. "Hm?" Kenma asked playing with his husbands hair. "Can we have a baby soon? Not like right now but in the future?" Kenma was a little suprised at first but soon snapped out of it. "Of course whatever you want my love."
A/N: I am sorry this chapter is super boring but anyway the name I chose for the baby means smiling child I just thought it was cute. Thank you so much for reading love you guys.

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