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I just wanted to let you guys know now so you're not surprised later on. I am making two more chapters of this book and then it will END. The reason behind this is I'm ready to start writing different Haikyuu books for you all plus this book was never meant to be very long anyway.

I recently started working on a Hinata harem book that I already love so much. It's not like the Hinata Harem books that I have personally read that have every haikyuu character (other than adults) dating Hinata(not hating on those types of books I love Hinata Harem books). I chose 8 boys for my Hinata harem so I don't have to deal with a lot of characters and make the book messy and confusing for both me and you guys.

But the last two chapters of this book I decided on making one Smut chapter and one fluff chapter. Now I've never written smut so it probably won't be very good but I'm going to try my best for you guys plus it's a good opportunity to spread my writing range. And I will also be putting a warning on the smut chapter so if you don't like smut you can skip to the fluff chapter I will publish both at the same time.

I love this book so much and I hope you guys enjoy it all the way to the end too.

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