Sick Day

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A/N: This Gif was made by a website called "By Sticker GIF" I'm not sure if the actual website creators made it or if somebody posted it on there because it doesn't say but it's really cute. Anyway welcome to chapter four.
No One's Pov:

Kenma was dying. Okay he wasn't actually dying but that's what it felt like. Today he woke up feeling like complete and utter shit due to him catching a cold from tossing his idiotic yet adorable husband some spikes while it was raining so he could practice for his upcoming volleyball game.

To be fair he did try to go back inside when it started raining but Kenma being the complete and utter simp he is for his husband he couldn't say no when Shoyo pulled his famous puppy dog eyes. The worst part is that his lover isn't even home to take care of him due to his game being today.

At least Kenma wasn't completely alone since Akemi was keeping him company but a cat can't exactly go out and get you some medicine when you're sick. Kenma sighed knowing he would have to get up and go get his own medicine. Well at least he thought he would have to until he remembered he has friends.

Kenma grabbed his phone off his charger and called someone he knew had absolutely no life. Kuroo. The phone rang about three times before it was answered.

"Oi Kenma long time no chat, too busy screwing that Shrimp of yours?" You could practically hear the smirk through the phone. Kenma scoffed at his oldest friend's words. "No I was busy working you do realize I have a job right?" Kenma said quietly since the cold was causing him to loose his voice.

"Are you okay? You don't sound too good." Kuroo asked concerned about his friend's well being. "I'm sick and am in dire need of medicine my husband isn't home so I was calling to see if you would please get me some." Kuroo nodded but then realized Kenma couldn't see him.

"Okay I'll be your knight in shining armor and get you some medicine. Kenma thanked him before hanging up the phone. Until Kuroo got there Kenma decided to pass the time by cuddling with Akemi and watching Cats vs Dogs on Netflix.

~Time Skip~

Kuroo finally arrived at the Kozume residence and walked straight in since earlier Kenma had texted him and told him to just come in because he doesn't feel like getting up. "Oi pudding head I got your medicine, where are you?" Kuroo looked around at the large house. He wouldn't say it out loud but he was proud of Kenma and what he has accomplished in his life.

Kuroo heard a quiet "I'm in here" coming from the bedroom so he headed inside. "Wow you look like shit." Kuroo said with a chuckle. "Thanks I think you're looking pretty poor this evening." Kenma replied back with a smirk.

Kuroo gasped and dramatically put his hand over his heart in an offended manor. "I take time out of my day to bring you medicine out of the kindness of my heart and this is how I'm treated." Kenma rolled his eyes before making grabby hands at the medicine bag. Kuroo handed him the medicine bag reluctantly since he was still pretty offended.

Kenma quickly took the medicine and laid back down on his bed. "So how are you and the shrimp? I haven't seen you two since the wedding." Kenma smiled thinking of his little sunshine. "We're doing great we even got a cat." Kenma said pointing to the sleeping kitty beside him.

"Looks like you're living your best life." Kuroo said patting Kenma's head. "Well I've got to run I have some business to take care of tell the shrimp I said hi." Kenma nodded and went back to cuddling his fluffy son. Kuroo walked to the door but as soon as he opened it he ran into Shoyo.

"Hey Rooster head what are you doing here?" Shoyo said with a big mischievous smile. "Ah I was just bringing your dying husband some medicine. Did you just get back from playing a game?" Kuroo asked seeing as the Shrimp was still in his volleyball uniform.

"Yes and my team won too but I should probably go tend to my dying husband. See you later alligator." Shoyo said pointing finger guns at the taller male. "In a while crocodile" Kuroo replied pointing finger guns back at him. The two have been doing that since highschool everyone thought it was stupid but they weren't ones to care about what other people think.

The two then went their separate ways. As soon as Shoyo walked into the bedroom he was tackled by his cat like husband. Kenma has always been extra needy whenever he's sick. "I missed you." Kenma kissed his husband's neck before helping him up and pulling him to the bed for cuddles.

Once the two were settled on the bed they decided to watch a movie. "Did you win your game?" Kenma was starting to feel a little bit better because of the medicine so his voice was almost back to normal.

"Yes I wish you could've seen I was going blam and the ball went like pow and then the other team messed up their serve and our server was like kaboom." Kenma chuckled at the use of sound effects his husband used to explain his game it was one of the reasons he fell in love with him in high school.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here to take care of you." Shoyo said giving his husband an apology kiss. "It's okay you're here now so cuddle me." Kenma replied stuffing his face in his sunshine's curly orange hair. "I love you Kozume Kenma" Shoyo replied, cuddling closer to his sick husband. "I love you too Kozume Shoyo."
A/N: I love Kuroo's relationship with these two also Kenma calling people poor is my religion. Thank you guys so much for reading I love you guys.

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