Breakfast in Bed

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A/N: The credits are in the gif I think it's an instagram @ not really sure anyway welcome to the first chapter.
No One's Pov:

It was quiet in the Kenhina household seeing as both newly wedded males were sound asleep in their king sized mattress the quilt hardly covering their naked bodies as the sun seeped through the crack between the silk curtains.

Seeing as the boys were up late with their special 'activity' both were very exhausted and weren't really open to the idea of getting up. However, the alarm clock on the bedside table seemed to strongly agree with that idea.

The alarm's wails were successful as it did wake up a very tired Shoyo Kozume. The orange haired male quickly hit the alarm's snooze button stretching his arms after he did so. The boy looked over to see his husband was still asleep, thankfully he was since Shoyo was planning to surprise him with some breakfast in bed.

The male quickly placed a kiss on his husband's head before getting out of the bed and heading towards the kitchen. Now Shoyo doesn't have much experience in a kitchen but he watched his mom cook a bunch of times so it shouldn't be that hard.

The stove caught on fire.

Kenma woke up due to the smell of something burning noticing that his husband wasn't next to him he jumped out of bed to go see what was going on. The pudding haired male didn't know what he was expecting to see but it definitely wasn't a naked Shoyo trying to put out a fire with a 'kiss me I'm gay' apron.

Kenma quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher from the laundry room and sprayed it on the fire. Once the fire was out the taller male grabbed his husband's waist and pulled him away from the mess. "Uh...good morning my wonderful husband" Shoyo said rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Shoyo what were you doing?" Kenma said in a monotone voice even though internally he was laughing at the whole situation. "Well i woke up first so I wanted to make you some breakfast but I think I burnt the food." The orange haired male stared down at the ground seeing as he didn't want to see his husband's angry face.

Suddenly Kenma burst into laughter, Shoyo looked up surprised, although he loved the sound of his husband's laughter and it was one of his favorite sounds he wasn't sure if this was a genuine laugh or one of the laughs people do before they go psycho.

Once the ombre haired male was done with his laughing fit he pulled his smaller husband into a passionate kiss. "You're such an idiot, I love you." The little ball of sunshine blushed a bright red. No matter how many times they kiss he still gets flustered. "I love you too."

"What were you even making?" Kenma asked caressing his husband's face. "I was trying to make omelets but it didn't really work out as you can see" Shoyo said stuffing his face in the crook of his lover's neck. "Well how about we go out to eat breakfast?" The orange haired male nodded to his husband's suggestion.

"Alright go get in the shower I'm going to look up a good place for us to eat." Kenma said heading towards his room to grab his phone well until he was stopped by his husband. "Won't you get in the shower with me?" The pudding head couldn't believe how innocent his husband could look when saying something so suggestive. "Y-yes" how could he say no?

The two headed towards the bathroom hand in hand. "You do know you are going to have to clean that mess and get a new stove later right?" The orange haired male sighed.
"I know..."
A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter sorry about it being so short I'll try harder in the next chapter.

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