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A/N: I'm not sure who made this gif but if you know please tell me so I can properly credit them also I love this gif so much I sat here watching it for like 2 minutes before starting to write. This is chapter eight thank you all for reading and supporting my book love you guys. 💞
No One's Pov:

"Kenma did you know the inventor of the pringles can is buried inside of a pringles can." Kenma looked up from his game to look at his husband. "So what you're saying is there is a pringles can filled with a dead man's ashes buried somewhere?" Shoyo nodded. "And you know this why?" He asked putting down his game to give his husband his full attention. "I was just bored and started looking up weird facts."

Kenma got up and laid on top of his husband who was lying on their shared bed. "You're bored?" He asked playing with his husband's fluffy orange hair. "A little bit." Shoyo said staring up at his husband's cat like features. "Well let's go on a date then." The older suggested. Shoyo nodded his head excitedly, his hair bouncing as he did so.

Kenma pecked his husband's lips before getting up. "Alright go get dressed I'll make the plans." Shoyo nodded and left to go get ready. Kenma watched the short male walk away before he started brainstorming ideas for the date. He decided on a date plan roughly around three minutes later and went to go get ready as well.

About twenty minutes passed before the couple was ready to go. Shoyo was basically drooling over his husband's attire. Kenma had came out in a black turtle neck with a brown camouflage bomber jacket on top and skinny jeans. It may sound like a weird combination but Kenma most definitely pulled it off. Shoyo felt a little underdressed compared to him since he was just wearing one of Kenma's hoodies and some black skinny jeans.

"You ready to go Sunshine?" Kenma asked since he noticed his husband's stares. Shoyo nodded, blushing a bit since he got caught staring and his lover had called him by his pet name.

The two interlocked hands before heading to Kenma's car, separating for a moment to get inside. The taller started the car before resting one hand on the steering wheel and resting the other in his husband's open hand. Shoyo knew how much Kenma liked holding his hand as he drove. He wasn't complaining either since he found the way his lover maneuvered the steering wheel with one hand extremely hot. Kenma backed out of the drive way and started the trip to their first destination.

~Time Skip~

Kenma pulled into an open parking spot before exiting the car to open the door for his husband. Shoyo loved how much of a gentleman Kenma could be. Once he was fully out of the car Shoyo interlocked his hand with his husband's slightly larger one. "So where are we going?" Shoyo asked scanning his surroundings.

"We're going to that go kart place over there." Kenma said pointing at a large building across the street. Shoyo's eyes lit up as excitement flowed through his tiny body. "Let's go!" The shorter male exclaimed as he started dragging his husband to the building. "Calm down Shoyo we have to look both ways before crossing the street."

Shoyo didn't listen however and walked into the street. At the same moment a car came hurdling down the street. Shoyo couldn't move and just stared as the car quickly came towards him. Luckily Kenma pulled him backwards onto the grass before the car could hit him. The car drove past not even attempting to stop.

Kenma brought his husband into his arms and squeezed him tightly. "Shoyo you need to be more careful and aware of your surroundings! I don't know what I would do if you got hurt or if you if yo-" Kenma couldn't even finish that sentence he didn't even want to think about losing his husband.

Shoyo placed his hands on Kenma's cheeks. "I'm sorry Kenma I'll be more careful." Shoyo gave his husband a short, reassuring kiss before getting off the ground and dusting his clothes off. Kenma got up as well and grabbed onto his husband's hand. "Let's try this again." Shoyo said looking both ways before crossing the street with Kenma right beside him.

The two entered the building, paid for their wristbands, and went to go enjoy their date. For the next few hours the two raced go carts, played bumper cars even though it was against the rules, and took tons of pictures. By the time the two decided to leave it was starting to get dark. The couple safely made it to their car and headed for their next destination.

That destination was a meat restaurant. Shoyo was excited as always and did his meat dance from highschool. Kenma watched his husband in adoration. "Alright let's go get a table." The taller said dragging him into the restaurant. The two ordered basically everything on the menu. The cook even came out of the kitchen to thank them for enjoying his cooking so much. The two paid a hefty amount of money before going home. Good thing they're rich.

However the date wasn't over yet. Once the two got home they built a blanket fort. There were Christmas lights strung around it lighting up the room. A laptop was lying inside for movie watching and some popcorn as a snack. Kenma put on a movie and cuddled his smaller husband. The two husbands spent the rest of the night cuddling and watching movies until they eventually fell asleep.

A/N: I had originally written a different chapter but I was having so much writing block with it I started over and made this. It's not that good of a chapter but I would honestly die if someone made a blanket fort for me for a date. Also I started school the other day and I already want to be home again. And thank you guys so much for 1.11k reads. 💗💓💖

Remember kids don't be a Shoyo and look both ways before crossing the street.

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