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A/N: This is the fluff and last chapter of this book. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it I look forward to writing more stories for you guys to enjoy and laugh at I appreciate you all so much ❤. And to all the people that drew the fan art I use for my books I literally love you please marry me. Anyway this fan art was made by Johanna The Mad on Tumblr check them out their art is very cute.

No one's POV:

"Do you remember when I asked you to marry me?" Shoyo asked drawing shapes on Kenma's naked chest. "Of course how could I ever forget it's the second best moment of my life." Kenma replied a fond smile on his face as he stared up at the ceiling. "Oh second? What's the first?" Shoyo asked a look of curiosity resting on his face. "Watching you walk down the aisle. You looked like an angel it almost felt like I was dreaming." Shoyo blushed at that statement. "You didn't look so bad yourself." Shoyo giggled.

"Papa! Daddy! Look I drew the kitty!" Tadaaki yelled excitedly holding up his new "masterpiece" with paint covering his hands and face. "It's so pretty Aki." Shoyo said sitting up a large smile on his face. "Thanks Papa!" Tadaaki replied giving an equally large smile.

"You're welcome my little prince but you need a bath you're all messy." Shoyo said getting out of the bed and picking up the small boy. "I don't want to take a bath Papa." The small brown haired boy whined. "You know what dirty little boys get Aki?" The child looked at his father with a confused look before shaking his head no. "A tickle attack!" Shoyo said as he began relentlessly tickling the small boy. "Haha P-papa no s-stop ha!"

The room was soon filled with the giggles and laughter of the two as Kenma watched the scene in front of him with fond eyes. He never expected to be this happy or successful in life. He never really tried very hard in school and didn't really put in too much effort for volleyball but meeting Shoyo changed his life for the better. "Are you going to take a bath now?" Shoyo asked a playful look on his face. "Yes Papa." Shoyo gave the boy a kiss on his forehead before looking to Kenma. "Would you like to join us daddy?" Shoyo said a teasing smirk on his face. Kenma smirked right back. "Anything for my babies."

Kenma soon got out of the bed and the three made their way to the bathroom. "Arms up." Shoyo said, the little boy complying quickly. Shoyo slipped off the boys clothes as Kenma got the bath ready. Once Tadaaki was completely undressed Shoyo handed him to Kenma who plopped him into the bathtub. The small boy played with his bath toys and bubbles as the two adults talked about what they were going to make for dinner that evening while also taking breaks to shampoo and condition Tadaaki's hair.

Once bath time was over the small family migrated to the living room to play Just Dance per Tadaaki's request. The three danced to popular songs while laughter filled the room. Shoyo and Kenma ended up doing a duet dance while Tadaaki clapped and cheered for them from the couch. Once the three were thoroughly worn out they sat on the couch and began watching the movie Over the Hedge one of Tadaaki's personal favorites.

"Papa you remind me of the sqwill." The small boy said giggling at Shoyo's offended face. "I remind you of the squirrel?! You hear that Kenma it seems we're raising a funny guy." Shoyo said sarcasticly. "You kind of are like the squirrel Sho." Tadaaki's giggles grew louder as Shoyo looked at his two boys with disbelief. "I should put you both in time out you guys are lucky you're cute." Shoyo said crossing his arms over his chest and making a hmph noise. Kenma and Tadakki gave each other a look before nodding their heads and kissing all over Shoyo's face. The laughs and kiss attack continued until the doorbell rang.

"Were you expecting anyone Kenma?" Kenma shook his head no and went to go answer the door. "Hey Aki who's ready to parrrttttaaayyyy!" Noya said letting himself in, his timid husband apologizing to Kenma behind him. "Uncle Noya!" Tadaaki yelled excitedly. "Hey little dude I haven't seen you in forever give me some dog." Noya said holding out his fist to the small boy who happily bumped their fists together imitating an explosion after.

"Noya Senpai? I didn't know you were coming over today." Shoyo said tilting his head slightly like a confused puppy. "Hey Shoyo! I just wanted to surprise you guys." Noya said walking over to the fridge and pulling out a soda. "Uncle Noya can I have a drink?" Aki whispered. Well tried to but everyone could hear him. "Sure little man but don't let your dads' know." Noya whispered back equally as loud causing Kenma and Shoyo to roll their eyes but pretended they didn't hear anything.

"Sorry for the intrusion guys I just can't say no to him." Asahi said scratching his beard awkwardly. "Don't worry I get it." Kenma said smiling at his own husband who was busy playing London Bridge with Noya and Tadaaki. "Well since you guys are here would you like to stay for dinner?" Kenma asked the tall male. "We would love to." Asahi replied.

The five of them spent the whole afternoon playing family games with Tadaaki with an occasional snack break until it was time to make dinner. Kenma and Shoyo had decided to make a grand steak dinner to which Noya was happy to hear about since he was a meat worshipper. Tadaaki helped Shoyo make the sides while Asahi and Kenma made the steaks and Noya just sat on the couch watching TV since he was considered "a danger to society" and "a safety hazard" whatever that meant.

Once dinner was ready the five of them sat at the table and began digging in. "So Aki do you like your new school? have you made any friends yet? Remember is anyone messes with you uncle Noya will come up there and violently rip their throa-" Noya was quickly cut off by the hand of his husband covering his mouth with an awkward smile on his face.

"Yeah I made a lot of friends but I really miss Daddy and Papa when I go to school." Aki replied with a sad face. "Aw baby." Shoyo said looking at his son with a gentle smile. Kenma picked Aki up and sat him on his lap so he could look him in the eyes "We'll always be here when you get back remember that bubba." Shoyo grabbed on to the small boy's hand, "Always."

~Time Skip~

"You weren't there this time." Tadaaki said staring down at his parent's graves with tears rimming his eyes but not yet falling. Tadakki then felt a pressure on his leg. Looking down to find the source he found his seven year old daughter with tears running down her cheeks. "Don't be sad daddy I'm here I'll be sad for you just be happy." Tadaaki smiled sadly down at his daughter and wiped her tears away. "Okay princess anything for my baby."

A/N: I'm sorry I know I said it would be fluff but I was feeling angsty 😭. Thank you all so much for going through this journey with me I know I made you guys wait for so long but I hope you enjoyed this book and I am so exited to begin publishing the book I'm working on currently. I love you all ❤. On that note Kenhina Supremacy 🛐.

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