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A/N: I couldn't find the actual artist of this picture but if you know who made it please let me know because I hate using other people's hard work without crediting them. Welcome to chapter three.
No One's Pov:

Kenma was out pretty late tonight seeing as he had to go to his company and check on the progress of a new war game they were supposed to be releasing in a couple of weeks.

Although he loved his job he wanted to leave as soon as possible so he could get back to his adorable husband who was waiting for him at home, but things didn't seem to go his way this time seeing as it was already twelve in the morning.

The male quickly scurried across the vacant parking lot taking out his keys and unlocking the car door. He was about to get in and leave when he heard a small meow come from behind him. Kenma was startled because of the unexpected noise and quickly turned around to see where it came from.

There sitting in front of him was a small black kitten. It was very skinny and looked like it hadn't eaten in about three weeks. Being the cat lover that Kenma is he immediately picked up the small kitten and kissed it's small nose. He couldn't just leave what looked to be a stray, starving kitten all alone.

"Hopefully Shoyo likes cats." Kenma whispered to himself as he sat the kitten in the passenger seat before getting in the car as well. "Let's see if any stores are open so I can get you some stuff." Kenma grabbed his phone and checked if any nearby stores were open at this time luckily for him there were.

~Time Skip~

Kenma finally arrived at his house around one in the morning he knew Shoyo would be worried since he said he would be home a lot earlier than this. The male grabbed the fuzzy blanket he bought for the kitten and wrapped it around it.

He got out of the car and walked to his front door slowly so he wouldn't scare the timid kitty. He bought more stuff but he would get it out later since he was more worried about his lover's reaction to the fur ball he brought home.

Kenma opened the door quietly and walked into his spacious living room. "Shoyo I'm home!" Right after he finished his sentence he heard feet rapidly tapping against the floor heading for his direction. The little ray of sunshine quickly appeared with messy bed hair and one of Kenma's shirts sliding off his shoulder.

"Kenmaaa, what took you so long? I was getting worried!" The small male exclaimed holding his arms out for a hug, well until he noticed the blanket in his husband's arms that is. "Kenma what's that?" The question snapped the taller male out of the trance he was put in by seeing his husband looking so small and cute in one of his shirts.

Kenma carefully lifted the cover so the kitten's little head could pop out. "I found it in the parking lot it looked hungry so I decided to keep it. I can keep it right?" The male asked looking at his small husband. "Of course you can it would be heartless if I said this cute little thing couldn't live here." Kenma smiled and kissed his husband's forehead.

"Is it a boy or a girl? Have you checked?" Shoyo asked while gently petting the kitten's head. "No not yet. Here you check while I go get the stuff out of the car I'm sure the little thing is hungry." Kenma said while handing the kitten over to his husband. The taller of the two quickly went outside to retrieve the stuff while the smaller tried to figure out the gender of his new child.

"Ah so you're a boy hello my little son!" Shoyo exclaimed while petting the fur ball. Kenma arrived back inside and started setting everything up for the new family member. Once finished he took the kitten and set it in front of it's food bowl.

"So what is it?" Kenma asked back hugging his husband while watching the little thing eat. "That is our new son." The orange haired male said, turning around in his husband's arms a big smile plastered on his face. Kenma gave his husband a quick peck on the lips before smiling too. "What should we name him?" Shoyo asked tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy.

"Hm how about Akemi?" Shoyo nodded his head in agreement before resting his head on his lover's chest. "Tomorrow we can go to the vet and get him checked out then we can get him a collar and name tag how does that sound?" Kenma asked petting his husband's hair. When he got no response he looked down only to see that his husband was fast asleep.

Kenma carefully picked up his husband and put him to bed kissing his lips before going back to the kitten. He sat down next to the little kitty and stroked his fluffy back. "Welcome to the Kozume family little Akemi."

A/N: Just in case anyone was wondering Akemi is a Japanese name meaning "Beautiful Dawn" I just thought that since the kitten is black it seemed pretty fitting. Thank you again for taking time out of your day/night to read my story it really means a lot. Love you guys.

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