Halloween Party

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A/N: Yes this is an early Halloween Special because Halloween is my favorite holiday and I couldn't wait to write and publish this chapter. I'm not sure who made this art but I hope they live a long happy life.
No One's POV:

"Kenma where's my super suit?" Shoyo asked whilst searching his closet. "You mean your Halloween costume? It's in the bag on the kitchen table." Kenma replied from the bathroom since he was already changing into his costume. "Thanks love!" Shoyo replied before running into the kitchen to grab his costume. The two were currently getting ready for Kuroo's Halloween party.

Kenma was reluctant to go at first because he didn't really like Halloween and because Kuroo was the one that invited him. However he did end up going because Kuroo asked Shoyo too knowing he would force his husband to go.

The pudding head let his husband pick out their costumes since he didn't really care and it made his sunshine happy. However now that he was wearing the skin tight costume he kind of regretted his actions. The two were wearing the costumes of Lady Bug and Cat Noir since it was sort of a couples costume and Shoyo really loved that show.

"My real husband in my animated husband's costume is my new favorite thing ever." Shoyo said showing up in the bathroom door frame with his phone out ready to take pictures. "Do we really have to go to the party Shoyo? We can just stay home and watch scary movies and cuddle." Kenma tried to sound as cute as possible so he could convince his husband to stay home.

"Nuh-uh we're going no matter how cute you are. Now come on lets take some pictures before it's time for us to go." Kenma sighed but walked over to his husband's side. The two took a few pictures before they left for the party.

~Time Skip~

The two eventually arrived at what Kenma liked to call the hyena's den. Kuroo's house was decorated in lots of spider webs, Halloween themed lights, and some plastic grave stones were also scattered around the lawn. It took the couple some time to find a parking space since there were so many cars parked along the street.

The two entered the house to be met with what felt like millions of people to Kemna. Shoyo noticed how anxious his husband was and grabbed onto his hand. "It's okay I won't leave your side." Kenma smiled a little and kissed his husband's head. "Thanks Sho." The couple walked further into the house bumping into Kuroo along the way. "If it isn't the love birds I almost thought you two weren't going to show, I should've had more faith in Chibi Chan's convincing abilities."

Kenma being the mature person he is stuck his tongue out at his best friend. "So a rooster huh? Very fitting." Shoyo said teasing Kuroo a bit. "We all know I'm the hottest cock around don't even pretend like we don't Chibi." That statement caused Shoyo to burst out into laughter. "Whatever you say Kuroo." Shoyo said wiping the tears from laughter out of his eyes.

"Hey Shoyo long time no see." Shoyo turned around to see Asahi dressed up as... you guessed it, Jesus. "Oh my gosh Asahi Senpai I haven't seen you in forever is Noya Senpai here too?" Shoyo said getting extremely excited. He hasn't seen these two in a while since they've been traveling the world together. "Yeah he's in the kitchen stuffing his face with pumpkin pie." Asahi said with hearts in his eyes.

"Yeah that sounds like Noya senpai." Shoyo said giggling. "Shoyo can we go somewhere less crowded?" Kenma asked his husband. Being around this many people at one time was giving him a headache. "Sure, we can go somewhere else. See you Asahi Senpai call me sometime and we can catch up." Asahi nodded and the couple headed somewhere quieter.

"Kenma look there's a scary movie playing over there on the TV do you want to watch." Shoyo said looking up at his husband. "Sure let's go." Kenma said giving his husband a quick forehead kiss. The two cuddled up on a vacant couch and watched what seemed to be a nun movie. The two could barley hear the movie due to the party around them but luckily the subtitles were on so they still knew what was going on.

Before the movie could end though the power turned off and everything went quiet. Shoyo grasped onto Kenma terrified. The two suddenly heard a blood curdling scream causing Shoyo to hold on even tighter if that was possible. After about five more minutes the lights were back on. Shoyo reluctantly looked out into the crowd. He could hear the crowd mumuring. Everyone seemed to be circling around something.

Kenma also looked at the scene. "Should we go see what's happening?" Kenma asked Shoyo who was busy biting his nails from anxiety. "Come on Sho I'll hold your hand if you want me too." Kenma said remembering what his lover did for him when he was anxious. Shoyo slowly nodded and grabbed his husband's hand. The two made their way over to the crowd to find a girl drenched in blood on the floor.

Shoyo turned around and hid his face in his husband's chest. Kenma found it really cute but he knew now was not the time to swoon over his adorable sunshine. Kenma noticed a blue rose lying next to the girl and went to grab it. "Kenma what are y-you doing you shouldn't touch that." Shoyo's voice trembling a bit.

"It's okay Sho the girl isn't actually dead. Look closely you can see her breathing." Shoyo looked at the girl and saw that her chest was moving. " T-then what's wrong with her should we call an ambulance?" The orange haired male pulled out his phone only to see that it had died. "I don't think anything is wrong with her." A man that emerged from the crowd said. "I believe this might be a murder mystery game."

The girl lying on the ground gave a quick thumbs up of confirmation before continuing to play dead. "Oh Kuroo didn't tell us about this. It must've been a suprise. Speaking of which where is Kuroo?" Shoyo questioned looking into crowd. "There's green fabric stuck to one of the thorns." Kenma stated inspecting the rose. "There is also a bloody footprint next to the body." The man from before added.

"Let's all split up and try to find more clues!" Shoyo stated excitedly. Everyone in the crowd agreed and started searching the house. "Kenma where should we look first?" Kenma scanned the room before pointing to the kitchen. After about twenty minutes of searching everyone came together and shared their clues. "So we have green fabric, a bloody shoe print, broken glass, and a knocked over vase." Kenma said looking at the items.

"Now what?" Shoyo asked staring at his husband. "We start pin pointing people. Everyone with green on their costume stand in a line." The people did as he said. Kenma checked each green costume but didn't find any with tears. He then checked each of their shoes and found no blood. "I don't think the person who did it is here." Kenma scanned the room once more when something caught his eye. "Was that dinosaur statue always there?"

"I don't think so." Shoyo replied. The two slowly walked over to the dinosaur but once they were close enough it ran. Luckily Shoyo's athletic abilities kicked in and he was able to catch it. Shoyo held down the dinosaur while Kenma unmasked it. "Tsukishima!? You were the killer? How much did Kuroo pay you?" Shoyo asked surprised. "It's none of your business now let go of me idiot."

Shoyo quickly released him and went to stand by his husband. "Did you break your glasses the glass is gone?" Tsukishima rolled his eyes. "No I'm wearing them as a fashion statement, of course I broke them idiot!" Shoyo sighed "I missed you too Tsuki." Tsukishima scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "So I'm assuming the glass was from your glasses." Kenma stated kind of proud that him and Shoyo found the killer.

"Somehow I knew Kenma would figure it out." Kuroo said emerging from the stairs. "Pay up and never contact me again." Tsukishima said holding a hand out. Kuroo sighed and placed a wad of cash in his hand. Immediately after Tsukishima grabbed his dinosaur head and walked out of the door.

~Time Skip~

"We had a really good time thanks for inviting us Kuroo!" Shoyo said giving the taller male a fist bump. Shoyo elbowed his husband as a hint to say thank you. "Thanks I guess." Kuroo dramatically put a hand on his heart and wiped away a fake tear. "I know Shoyo forced you but I'm still touched." Kenma rolled his eyes and started dragging his husband to their car.

The two made it home safely and decided to watch The Corpse Bride before bed. "Did you have fun?" Shoyo asked resting his head on Kenma's shoulder. "A lot more than I thought I would. Maybe Halloween isn't as boring as I thought."

A/N: This chapter took me hours and my last braincell is fried. I hope you guys liked this chapter and I'll try to make more really soon. Also Asahi and Noya's relationship is adorable ❤👄❤. Stay safe and wear your masks.

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