Chapter 18

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"I'm coming, Adora." Adora opened her eyes, "Catra?" But she wasn't there, she thought she had heard something but it was only her imagination. She was clasped as the arms and legs on an upright metal board. The room was round and only consisted of the "chair" and a dim light above her. The beast was crouching in front of her. Staring. Adora looked around the room and then at the beast. They sat in silence for a few minutes before the beast spoke. "You want to kill me." Adora laughed, "Well that's what happens when a beast kidnaps you in a mask." The beast stood almost touching the ceiling. It reached it's hands up placing its talons on either side of its helmet and lifted. Revealing a pale man with snow-white hair and white eyes. He was blind. Adora stared not knowing what to say. "Now what do you know of the battle of Jikan."

Catra walked into the control room after trying to get some sleep. She didn't. "How long till we're there?" Entrapta was staring at the console with a chunk of hair on the system jump lever. "T-minus forty-seven seconds." Catra looked out at the black emptiness in the front windows. "So what's the planet called anyway." "Huh, oh yes the planet," Entrapta pressed a couple of buttons on the console and brought up the data for the planet, "Utune, stable government, level 7, where were landing is a country called Scnuia specifically the Scunia islands, oh wait I forgot 4, 3, 2, 1." Catra didn't brace for impact assuming that it would have been similar to the ignition. "Woah!" Catra was flown forward and ended up on the floor. Entrapta pulled out her captain's log, "Comming off system jump needs a bit of work." Catra stood up and groaned patting her self down. "You think."

Outside the windshield, a planet sat in space. Utune was smaller than Etheria and 80% of its surface was water leaving the last 20 percent of landmass forming two continents on either side of the planet with surrounding archipelagos. Entrapta rested the ship in orbit. "Right let's take her in." Entrapt flew the ship in, entering the atmosphere. They flew over clouds for a bit before breaking and going through. They were met with rain and lots of it. When they came out the other side there were expanses of rainforest in the mainland of the islands and mangroves towards the shoreline. The ocean was restless from the weather though large cargo ship sailed out to sea. On the horizon, Catra could see lights in the wet darkness. Not long later they were met with a city with massive skyscrapers stretching from end to end. They were arriving at the capital, situated on the largest island of the archipelago. Other ships sea and sky converged on the city landing in a massive port. Entry points at all different heights with numbers above stood as landing bays. Each bay had one entry point larger than the other designated A and B for larger and smaller crafts. As they approached a voice came on the radio. "Craft 627772, this is radio control please state your decision altitude and decision distance. Over." It took Catra off guar but before she could ask anything, Entrapta clicked the speaker button. "Hello radio control, this is Craft 627772 requesting landing, decision altitude 132m and decision distance 1280m. Over" There was silence for a moment before the radio chimed in again. "Craft 627772, this is radio control. You have been cleared for landing craft bay 47b is open please deactivate main thrusters 500m out. Over." "Copy that." Entrapta switched off the radio. Catra looked confused, "627772?" "It's code for 'MARA'." "And they know that." Entrapta looked confused, "Of course they do this ship isn't from Etheria it has a registration number and everything." Entrapta turned of the main thrusters 500m away from the dock as she was supposed to and controlled the auxiliary thrusters with a Cyclic controller. Giving her full control of the ship. As they slowly entered the hanger a tunnel fed through with blinking light on the floor to direct. The tunnel opened up into a massive hanger. Crafts of all different shapes and sizes were landing and taking off people moving about on catwalks high above. Workers dressed in grey jumpsuits directed Entrapta to where she had to land. 

The Engines turned off and the ship relaxed as if it were tired from the long flight. The side door to ship opened and Catra stepped out a woman with blue skin and tentacles coming from the top of her head stood with a tablet. She looked up and spoke, "Are you the captain of this vessel." "No, I-" Entrapta popped her head around the door of the ship, "I am. I'm the captain." The woman didn't look up, "Security check, what is the purpose of your visit." Entrapta began to speak, "Well it's funny we-." Catra cut her off, "Re-supply. Just passing through." The woman tapped a few buttons on her tablet. "Mhm, and can I enter your craft for a contraband check?" Catra shifted a little, "What would count as contraband?" "Illegal substances, unregistered weaponry. The usual." Catra had thought that this might happen so she hid the guns in the ventilation ducts of the ship. But that didn't make this any less problematic. "Uhh, sure. Be my guest."

Catra and Entrapta sat outside on a couple of crates while the woman searched. Entrapta swang her feet from the crate while Catra was deep in thought. "Entrapta. Were not going to be able to take any guns into the city o we have to watch ourselves at the moment we're completely vulnerable." A black lizard-like person walked by wearing a grey trenchcoat which his tail stuck out from under. His eyes and gill-like slits on hi neck glowed purple. He turned staring down the two of them looking Catra up and down and continued walking "We don't know what these people are like." Entrapta wasn't listening to a word she said. She was staring up at the feat of engineering that was this place. So many moving parts. So much tech! "All done. You clear and good to go. I'll have your craft stored on deck seven. You can pay on your departure." Catra realised, "Uhh what's the local currency around here?" The woman looked at her like the was an idiot, "The local currency is Credits just like everywhere else in the galaxy. There's a transfer pod on level 4 if you want to withdraw." Catra smiled weakly as she walked away, "Thanks." Catra sat back down and put her head in her hands. Entrapta was playing with one of the monitors on the wall near the ship and looked over at Catra. "What's wrong?" Catra looked up, "What's wrong is that we don't have any Credits." Entrapta smiled, "Course w do silly." "We do?" "Yeah. Like I said that ship isn't exactly from Etheria."

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