Chapter 49: New Friends

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So, Wattpad decided to be a bitch and delete my entire chapter so I'm re-writing it for the third time. Yay. It took me so long oh my god.

Anyways, we'll be seeing an update on what everyone looks like now that a significant amount of time has passed.

New minor characters as well!

Warning: smut (powerbottom!Louis hehe)

(April 10th - 4 weeks old)


"Remember to feed her every 2 - 4 hours," I reminded Lottie who rolled her eyes.

"Relax Lou, I know what I'm doing. It's only one night, tomorrow, she'll be back perfectly fine."

I sighed. "I know, it's just the first time that I'm leaving her, I don't like it."

"She'll be fine babe," Harry walked out of Vivian's room, carrying her in his arms, before setting her in the carrier. "Lottie will take care of her."

I grumbled. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

I walked over to the carrier, kissing her face softly. "Love you Viv."

"Have fun Lou," Lottie opened the door. "You deserve it."

She closed the door with a smile. I turned around to find myself in an empty living room.

"Haz? Where did you go?" I called out.

Harry stepped out of our room with a smile. "Just changing. What do you think?"

(A/N: So basically for a visual, he's wearing the cross earring, the bandana, the black unbuttoned shirt, and ripped black jeans

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(A/N: So basically for a visual, he's wearing the cross earring, the bandana, the black unbuttoned shirt, and ripped black jeans. Hot as fuck.)

"Jesus Christ."

"You like it?" he asked with a smirk.

"I- yeah," I breathed out, pulling him in for a rough kiss. "Maybe we can be a little bit late."

Harry chuckled, pulling away. "No, no, I've been excited to go out for ages. Let's go baby."

"Why are you teasing me?" I whined.

He squeezed my hips, putting his lips near my ear. "If you're a good boy, maybe I'll reward you later."

I whimpered, but he was already pulling away, taking my hand and walking out the door.



"This is Jensen and Misha, my best friends from back home."


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