Chapter 20: Birthday

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(December 24th)


"Happy Birthday Louis!" Liam shouted, jumping on my bed. "You're 21 one now you old fart!"

I groaned, rolling over. "Thanks, Li." I said sarcastically. 

"Come on, get up, get up!"

I raised my eyebrows. "Why are you so happy?"

"We're going to the café for breakfast, and I wanna see Zayn, so please hurry?" He gave me his puppy-dog eyes and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I grumbled, sitting up slowly. "I'm coming, calm your tits."


We got to the café to see Niall, Harry and Zayn already waiting for us.

"Happy Birthday Lou!" they all chorused, giving me a big group hug.

I laughed. "Oof! Thanks lads, I can't breathe!"

They let me go, but almost immediately, Harry pulled me back into a tight hug.

"Harry!" I gasped. "Can't. Breathe!"

"I love you," he murmured, kissing my ear. "Happy Birthday babe."

I smiled softly. "I love you too, Harry."

"Breakfast time!" Niall yelled, making us all laugh as we entered the café. 



I turned around from where I was sitting on my desk, doing my homework. Harry was lounging on my bed, scrolling through Instagram.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I have your birthday present with me. I didn't want to give it to you in front of everybody, I wanted it to be just the two of us."

I smiled, going over to him and sitting next to him. He pulled out a big leather book from his bag.

"Happy Birthday Lou." he gave me a nervous smile and I kissed his cheek softly making him grin.

I opened up the book and gasped. "Oh, Harry..."

Our first kiss at the lake; the picture that Niall took

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Our first kiss at the lake; the picture that Niall took.

Our first kiss at the lake; the picture that Niall took

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The time we fell asleep watching The Little Mermaid. (You are very comfortable by the way.)

The time I taught you how to cook, and you burnt your hand

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The time I taught you how to cook, and you burnt your hand. I remember you forced my to kiss it 100 hundred times until it felt better.

 I remember you forced my to kiss it 100 hundred times until it felt better

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I remember this day. It was our one month anniversary, and all I wanted to do was cuddle you day. You had other plans though...

Remember when I got so excited because I saw two birds kissing?

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Remember when I got so excited because I saw two birds kissing?

Remember when I got so excited because I saw two birds kissing?

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Us being fools instead of doing our work.

Zayn took this picture of us while we were playing FIFA

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Zayn took this picture of us while we were playing FIFA. I totally sucked, of course.

"You can add more as time goes by," he said softly. "I just wanted to make something the held all the memories of us."

I wiped a tear away. "This is amazing Harry, thank you so much. I love you."

He smiled. "I love you too, Boobear."

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